HP's Z series is among my favorite creative professional computer lines. The ZBook 14u is nice, but I'm more of a Zbook X2 guy.
Wow, we did not expect the level of interest you all have had in the #PineTime!
More info:
- Cost will be approximately 25USD
- Charging dock included in price
- Built-in heartbeat monitor
- Case built of Zinc alloy and plastic
- Battery life measured in days
- Sorry, can't run Linux itself. SoC is nRF52832, which uses a Cortex-M4 core. That's why we need FreeRTOS :)
Google Chrome on Android is almost usable! I wish Firefox Mobile would get their smartphone UI together. https://pocketnow.com/google-chrome-for-android-is-almost-usable #usability #ux #uxdesign
The progress of #pinephone hardware
from left to right: Project Anakin, Project Don't be evil and the final hardware
We all know that Google (with Chrome-ium) has at least close to 90% of the browser marketshare on the internet.
Which is your primary browser on your computer?
Remember that Brave, Opera and Edge are Chromium derivatives. I consider Safari to be separate since it's Webkit and not Blink.
Retoot this to get more votes in.
#poll #browser #firefox #chromium
Wow, Huawei just accused the US govt of launching cyberattacks to infiltrate its intranet and internal information systems: https://www.huawei.com/en/facts/voices-of-huawei/media-statement-regarding-reported-us-doj-probes-into-huawei (h/t @Viss and campuscodi)
Finally an update to the 2016 version! Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 (2019) Review | Pocketnow
I wrote a blog post that's a fairly detailed how-to on conducting usability testing for free software: https://samuelhewitt.com/blog/2019-08-27-how-to-run-a-usability-test-on-free-software-linux
This article does a good job on presenting the many different ways that data about your credit card purchases are shared without your knowledge or permission: #privacy https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/08/26/spy-your-wallet-credit-cards-have-privacy-problem/
At the end of the day Google is becoming so dominant on the web that they practically *are* the web, so you either use Google products or you avoid touching a computer. I can't quit Google entirely (Chrome DevTools, GMaps, YouTube are the big ones for me).
How do you deal with something that builds amazing products but also does it in kind of a sleazy way? And maybe is becoming way too powerful? I suppose you become a tech vegan sneaking occasional bites of cheese pizza. https://nolanlawson.com/2019/05/31/tech-veganism/
"Basically, software remains vulnerable because the benefits created by insecure products far outweigh the downsides. Once that changes, software security will improve—but not a moment before."
A "verification" system tying each battery to a specific phone is a huge blow to your ability to repair your own devices. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/59nz3k/apple-is-locking-batteries-to-specific-iphones-a-nightmare-for-diy-repair
The #PineTab is a $79 Linux tablet
by Pine64, the same manufacturer of the #PinePhone and PineBook low-cost Linux devices.
This low-power Linux machine, however, has some hidden perks: for example, via an internal m.2 slot it supports SATA and LTE expansions in a somewhat modular way. And now it boots postmarketOS with several UIs, such as KDE #PlasmaMobile and Purism's "Phosh".
You can read more about it in our latest post: https://tuxphones.com/pine64-pinetab-pinephone-linux-tablet-postmarketos/
Designer & web developer since the mid 1990's starting on the DEC intranet. User experience consultant since 1998. Photographer since 1995. Tech journalist since 2002.
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