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@PINE64 That's what I was thinking, but where does one download an image (to burn to an SD card) that boots to Chrome OS and another that boots to Android? I thought Google only allows Chrome OS to be distributed on official Chromebooks.

@PINE64 While I'm waiting for delivery, is there a tutorial somewhere on how to boot to Android and Chrome OS?

Google Chrome on Android is almost usable! I wish Firefox Mobile would get their smartphone UI together.

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The progress of #pinephone hardware

from left to right: Project Anakin, Project Don't be evil and the final hardware

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We all know that Google (with Chrome-ium) has at least close to 90% of the browser marketshare on the internet.

Which is your primary browser on your computer?

Remember that Brave, Opera and Edge are Chromium derivatives. I consider Safari to be separate since it's Webkit and not Blink.

Retoot this to get more votes in.

#poll #browser #firefox #chromium

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Wow, Huawei just accused the US govt of launching cyberattacks to infiltrate its intranet and internal information systems: (h/t @Viss and campuscodi)

@snwh Many of them used to, but not so much anymore. It's a "move fast and break things" mentality now.

Finally an update to the 2016 version! Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 (2019) Review | Pocketnow

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@snwh I wish non-free software makers would do usability tests too! (Most don't.)

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I wrote a blog post that's a fairly detailed how-to on conducting usability testing for free software:

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This article does a good job on presenting the many different ways that data about your credit card purchases are shared without your knowledge or permission:

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At the end of the day Google is becoming so dominant on the web that they practically *are* the web, so you either use Google products or you avoid touching a computer. I can't quit Google entirely (Chrome DevTools, GMaps, YouTube are the big ones for me).

How do you deal with something that builds amazing products but also does it in kind of a sleazy way? And maybe is becoming way too powerful? I suppose you become a tech vegan sneaking occasional bites of cheese pizza.

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"Basically, software remains vulnerable because the benefits created by insecure products far outweigh the downsides. Once that changes, software security will improve—but not a moment before."

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♲ programmers love to use titles like "architect" or "engineer" or "designer" instead of the more accurate "plumber" or "custodian" or "firefighter"

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@clacke @purism Oh, I used to keep a spare battery in my wallet and as soon as the one in the phone died, I'd swap it out in a few seconds and I'd be good for another day. Meanwhile, friends with iPhones at the restaurant would be begging the bartender for an electrical outlet. @purism True, but did you see how the old Samsung Galaxy S5 did it? Water tight seal AND tool-free removable battery! It can be done.

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