@debconf That was a great presentation, thanks @agx .
I've been daily driving phosh on my pinephone (pmOS) for months now, and I think the feature I am most looking forward to is for convergence mode to remember how I had my displays configured when I connect a display. I always disable the built-in display when I hook my phone up to my nexdock, it would be great if the device remembered my preference and just reconfigured it as I last had it when connected.
@leimon @debconf someone needs to find the time to fix up https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phoc/-/issues/255. #phosh is a mitmach-shell so patches are welcome. kanshi (https://wayland.emersion.fr/kanshi/) might work for you too.
@debconf @agx Oh and I had another thought/question. Given the good mainline support of the Snapdragon 845 as mentioned from the presentation. Does that mean that Purism is perhaps evaluating that SOC as an option for a future revision of the #Librem5 ?
I'm still waiting on my Librem5 order, but even so I am really jazzed about Linux phones, I don't ever want to go back to android. So it makes me excited about what you guys will make next. Anyhow I'm just curious.