Heads up: phosh-osk-stub moved out of #phosh's repo and to: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub as it acquired more and more cruft while debugging some (now fixed) touch input related issues in #gtk 4.
Mostly mentioning it here since some distros (such as #debian) used it in the past on architectures that had trouble building #rust to fulfill session dependencies (which is not an issue anymore nowadays) so it can safely be dropped.
@agx Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer if the animation of the change of layout is slide rather than over
Wait, are alternate characters menus on long press coming in squeekboard? That would be great.
@normandc Not yet - the thing in the demo is s.th. different I stitched together debugging input issues https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub - but it's supports popovers for long press (although I want to tweak how they're selected since you currently need to lift your finger and maybe use a two row layout).
I used that to explore completion via #fzf and a simple word list a bit. Turns out it does quite well for German due to the rather long words, not so well for English. But now I have the problem partitioned between the on screen keyboard side and what is needed on the completion side in my head.