@alaraajavamma @furilabs Have you tried any other UI's besides phosh on it?
@alaraajavamma @zachdecook While we do not support other user interfaces, Plasma mobile does run fine on our device. Users have tested and came out successful on the latest version of Plasma from Debian!
Although, as mentioned above, we do not provide any support, and any bugs within the stack will not be looked into by our team.
@zachdecook @alaraajavamma @furilabs That'll be hard due to not running mainline Linux with regular Mesa means no Plasma Mobile or GNOME Mobile
@zachdecook @furilabs No. Afaik the idea is more to get Phosh rock solid state - not to support "anything for anyone". I believe it is the only way to make this reality but I am not sure what furilabs people are thinking :). I think I saw someone trying Plasma allready - and it is open source so if someone wants to try something else they are free to do so.