Anyone using #sway can recommend how to get #kdeconnect running? The only flatpak I see was deprecated a long time ago.
@jameskupke What distro are you using? On manjaro, I've got sway 1.6.1 from community and kdeconnect 21.08.1 from extra, and it works fine with an 'exec kdeconnect-indicator &' in my sway config.
@jameskupke Have you run `dnf install kde-connect`
It should install kdeconnect 20.04.1 on fedora 32 (the flatpak doesn't come with this).
I think it will also install the indicator, so the flatpak isn't really needed..?
@zachdecook Well, installing KDE-Connect directly from fedora did work. Thanks a lot for your help!!!
@zachdecook I thought I tried that, but will do it. I thought I read the recommendation was to use Indicator-KDEConnect instead of the full KDEConnect. Maybe I was working off old information. Will try and report back.