Like, this was bizarre enough I had to check it wasn't actually April 1.

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I had a house bassline living rent-free in my head so I made it into a track to make it go away.

Some results of the DAW switch:

Also it turns out Soundcloud's mastering AI is awful, at least for this track, so this is my manual remaster.

Honestly I'm kind of tempted to just run Supercollider or Csound without a graphical environment for my DAW at this point.

Weldon boosted

A broken clock fixed by taping a working clock over it is a metaphor for every codebase you’ll encounter in your professional career as a software developer.

I'm switching back to a modular DAW setup like I used to use in the oughts. To that end I built NON for Fedora 38 (spec here if anybody else wants to try it: ). It's going to be a big difference from Bitwig and Ableton but I at least think it will help me focus rather than just tweaking knobs all the time because I can.

If anybody's stuck with qmidiarp crashing on Fedora when you add an LFO or sequencer, I have a spec file to build a working version here:

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Seen this story of how a group identified the IP addresses of posters on a notorious anonymous economics web forum?

Well here's the original paper. The techniques are pretty jaw-dropping:

Scrolling should move the viewport, not the content. I will not be taking any questions.

The difficulty of downgrading flatpaks speaks to a kind of magical thinking where regressions never happen.

Why do people still host projects on Sourceforge? It's like listing your house on HSN.

Weldon boosted

by the way, if you put your mastodon instance in authorized fetch mode, twitter's filter can't recognize it.

between the very legitimate security benefits, and breaking twitter, you should enable it today 🙃

Weldon boosted

There are many legitimate reasons to track Elon Musk's flight coordinates, for example to offer him ads more relevant to his interests

My worry is this new Eternal September will demonstrate that the problem was not Twitter but Twitterers

Heads up, new round of birds incoming. Please do not eat the newbies.

The convo with my tuktuk driver today:

D: You like shopping?
Me: No
D: How about jewelry? Go in two minutes, I get petrol voucher.
Me: No
D: Spices?
Me: Hate them
D: Fabric?
Me: No
D: Dugong
Me: N.. Wait. Dugong? Like the sea cow?
D: Just checking you are listening.

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