For anybody wondering what the Mastodon security issue is - CVE-2023-36460, you can send a toot which makes a webshell on instances that process it. #CVE202336460
There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today:
For people in Europe to get a better idea of the size of just one of the largest fires in Quebec right now, it is 12,599 km² (about 88% the size of Northern Ireland 14,130 km² or 57% the size of Irish province of Ulster 22,067 km²). 16/
It's probably obvious to move of you, but a big difference between the commercial social media platforms and the fediverse is that as those commercial platform grow, they get additional revenue from ads, from selling personal information, and otherwise monetizing their users. While that is turning out to not actually pay the bills for them, in the fediverse, just about every instance is run by volunteers and funded by donations or out of the volunteers' pockets. It's a labor of love and a hope for a better future. When traffic grows, we need to expand our capacity.
That is why I am asking, if you are able, please consider donating to the instance you on to help keep the fediverse ecosystem going. Typically the /about web page will have details on how to donate.
Note: I am well aware that many of you are not in a financial position to donate - and that is OK. We are here to serve you as well. Donations are completely optional.
Woot woot, Twitter is dying.
Here is a screencap of the http response of and it's response time has been tied closely to use of the site, tracking with big events and daily usage patterns (Japan!). It also hasn't seen as big of a hit as other endpoints where emerald mine Sack's enthusiast hasn't cost cut just to make sure that his Saudi VCs don't recall him to their consulate in Istanbul.
Open source developer. Wikidata, IPFS, Linux, Ethereum. /r/fuckcars enthusiast. I tend to boost funny stuff.