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Jack Dorsey can go fuck himself - thank god btc is the enemy's money


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El Salvador’s President Knows How to Make Your Own Agenda 2030

A selection of truth bombs dropped by President Nayib Bukele, sure to piss off the Davos crowd.


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You like COVID lockdowns? You will love UFO lockdowns.

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signal allowing remote conversation partners to use their cryptographic signing keys to instruct your device to delete media at their command (contrary to your wishes) is by definition a form of DRM.

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“The humiliations which once had been devised with criminals alone in mind now were imposed upon the traveler, before and during every journey. There had to be photographs from right and left, in profile and full face, one’s hair had to be cropped sufficiently to make the ears visible; fingerprints were taken, at first only the thumb but later all ten fingers; furthermore, certificates of health, of vaccination, police certificates of good standing, had to be shown; letters of recommendation were required, invitations to visit a country had to be procured; they asked for the addresses of relatives, for moral and financial guarantees, questionnaires, and forms in triplicate and quadruplicate needed to be filled out,”

― Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday
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New release of Electrum Personal Server. Fixed issue with lag for large mempools, most users would just disable the mempool histogram for large mempools, with this update that is no longer an issue. Also, now slightly easier to run with automating tools like systemd. Connect your Electrum wallet to your own full node today!

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google is a declining company that hasn't found another way to make money other than spying on their own users and selling that data over and over to corporations that want to manipulate them

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Elon Musk is the kind of guy who invests billions in something he knows nothing about.

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We should have seen it coming.
Elon's first wife was so cute & smart, and he lost her.
Now he loses the bitcoiners. Same issues, different divorce.

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I love how everyone who didn't listen to me last year when I said that the USD would have massive inflation in the next two years is now saying that we're gonna have insane inflation like tomorrow

Homie we're nowhere near the worst part of this, buckle up buttercup
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Little bash function to clip segments of YT videos to mp4. Got sick of the websites that do this going down or ceasing to function properly... possibly due to Gulagle fucking with them.

Tested it on a whole 2 videos so far. If you find one it won't work on, let me know!

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