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BBC reporting on DPRK (North Korea) overlaid on queen funeral procession

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This episode of Breaking Bad is almost a decade old, and yet Bob Odenkirk's character's explanation of money laundering still blows away anything you'll find on bird app lately

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a periodic reminder that every time you put the tip on your card instead of tipping in cash, you are financing the drone war and the cia’s global network of torture prisons

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vbhide boosted are you still here?

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It is such a hoax. You really have to be mentally disturbed to believe it!

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RT @mikegermano
Hand delivered our newest @bitcoinmagazine to the Federal Reserve. You can’t censor #Bitcoin, @_joerodgers or this issue. Print magazines not money.

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Has anybody looked at the website ?

Talk about using excessive (browser) resources !

What a bunch of idiots - par for the course for climate alarmists.

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Welcome! If you’re new to the Fediverse from Twitter I want to send my warmest salutations! A little warning before you get too settled in, you may have signed up on the wrong instance! What’s an instance? It’s like a website you type into your url bar. If you are on an instance that has the word mastodon in it, you may be have accidentally signed up on a Neo-Fascist Grooming Platform.

At, we only follow the right opinions and have strict censorship against the ideas killing our society. If you liked twitter, you’ll love Registration is now open, so join us today!

You won’t regret it!
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fun fact: modern M1 chips on the latest macOS contact the apple TSS server for bootloader signatures via plaintext http just like an iphone, and transmit their ECID (unique SoC hardware identifier) in *port 80 total plaintext* letting the backbones/IXes/NSA/CIA know the physical location of that specific computer.

this is happening on the latest and greatest M1 machines being sold right now, on the latest macOS, on every OS update.

search pcaps for

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