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Stack ₿itcoin
Watch the world burn
Patiently wait to rebuild

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Brave users: prepare to abandon ship... maybe

brave rolled out integrated news to the app. recommended are all m5m 'credible sources' . searching for the 'npc latest thing' meme turns up duds. nothing conclusive, but trending toward the litter box.

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"The EAEU system will be based on “a new international currency,” most probably with the yuan as reference, calculated as index of currencies of the participating countries, as well as commodity prices. The first draft will be discussed by end of month"

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Maybe a better analogy would be how certain, umn, "proscribed Italian organizations" still use the lira to settle transactions even though it's long since been demonetized

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You should start buying fruit and vegetable seeds before those go the way of human doses of ivermectin.

@verretor @verretor Ce serait interessant de faire un color code avec une legende genre "wef partner", " bailout queen" "nsa partner" etc

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in addition to being the farthest object away from earth, voyager also holds the record for the longest period of continual operation for a computer.

it's been running continuously since 20 aug 1977.

the people who built and designed it should be individually recognized. that's a world-class achievement.

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hopefully after this russians start a push to ditch big tech from their lives and more alt tech starts to come from russia, because after this shit there wont be a russian who would trust the american big tech nor centralized solutions for crap.


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