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@verretor would it be correct to say the meme wars began with justice for harambe ? Or is there some other, older defining event ?

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RT @JWWeatherman_
Lots of Chinese people I know use @Twitter

I think I’ll send them some #bitcoin to celebrate the ban.

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My wife was feeling bad and tested positive for COVID. The doctor told he to to go home with no advise/treatment. Father in law has a good local doctor in Texas who prescribed several things that were filled at the local Walgreens. She is feeling better already. The covid numbers would be way better if they were actually treating people instead of just telling them to go lock away for 10 days.

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Finally some balance and order.

El Salvador - fully embraces Bitcoin
Turkey - openly announces war against it

The next 4-12 months will show how each handles and who ultimately comes out as the winner.
I can spoil this now if you’d like to know who will be spend countless amounts of money and still loose, and who will become victorious with only fractions spent.

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Discord's meteoric rise continues, with even more people jumping on the bandwagon. It's a very bad thing, as Discord is likely going to sell your entire DM history, in plaintext, to their acquirer in a deal for cash and stock in the next 24-36 months.

It's not e2e encrypted. Everything you've ever typed into Discord in a DM is about to become readable to Microsoft or whoever else buys them, tied to your email and phone number and payment card.

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For reference, Apple leaked ~21,000 user accounts of data to the USG in the first half of 2020 without search warrants/probable cause via FISA (aka PRISM, aka FAA702) orders.

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