RT @theinstagibbs
Let's get some more eyes on https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/21377 ?
Make sure it doesn't impede any future UASF(technically speaking), make sure the state machine changes match, make sure test coverage looks solid, etc.
“Sincere” and “Hard-working” Rulers Do The Most Harm
Historical examples from the classic book called 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'.
"if only we could get the scoundrels out and get the right, good people into government, the world will be better off" is the equivalent of "if we only hire smart people, don't use strcpy, and are really careful then we will be able to write programs in c without memory corruption bugs and exploits!"
nice dream but how many times over how many decades must you bloody your head on that wall before you learn?
After AstraZeneca clot findings, France opts for mRNA vaccines for second shot | National Post
"Our approach is absolutely not to engage in a gigantic experimentation on the French population"
...which is why you're vaccinating the whole population with brand new vaccines that haven't gone through normal approvals? And are now proposing to mix-and-match those vaccines in ways that haven't been tested?
Sorry, there's no getting around it: this is a gigantic experiment.
It's been 25 years since Tony Li shipped the first IOS firmware enabling BGP-4; we've been yelling at each other ever since.
"Unfortunately, you can never solve people or process problems with new technology, you can just make them more convoluted..."
UN Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights.
Art 3: "The interests & welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society."
#BREAKING Europe rights court rules obligatory vaccinations 'necessary in democratic society'
Running CalyxOs
Make You Own Agenda 2030 : Notes on Strategy
Covid has allowed our enemies to initiate a Satanic war based based on voodoo beliefs. Our reply must be on the same terms.
Prophetic words by Judgenap at a @mises event in 2014.
Prepare to put your necks on the line. Tawk is cheap.