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I set up a little bot that toot quotes from the Cypherpunks old mailing list : @Cypherpunks_mailinglist
I originally intended to make it tweet and toot at the same time, but when I created the account, it got locked up for "breaking the terms of use" in literally 30s. WTF? I barely created it, how could I break any rule?
And guess what? They demand a phone number to give it back to me 😂
So yeah, it will be Masto only 🖕

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Help prevent the next @AOC, support the Mises Institute and our crusade the spread the ideas of Austrian economics, freedom, and peace with a $5 donation today.

Make it a monthly recurring and become a full Mises member!$5 

Original Tweet:

11:15 AM - 24 Sep 2019

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We are the alternative to today's universities, which Mises called "nurseries of socialism."

We teach millions every year. People of all ages, from all across the world.

We do it with just 5,112 donors.

Think of what we can do with your help. Join us.$5 

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2:00 PM - 23 Sep 2019

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Politicians: faking right and always moving left.

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My Gift To Climate Alarmists

This is my most concise expose of climate fraud. Please pass it around to everyone you know and your elected officials. The video is short, but cuts right to...
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"The Tea Party movement was largely self-policing, which was the most amazing part,” said Meckler. “I’m sure that good, neighborly behavior was encouraged, but the reality is that this is just how folks on the right generally behave. We believe in the rule of law. We believe in the right to “peaceably” assemble. We believe in private property rights. And we believe in the Golden Rule. Were we “angry?” Sure, we were—and frankly, we still are. But we were civil, non-destructive, and certainly never criminal. These are hallmarks of conservative protests and are the exact opposite of what one sees on the left.

Meckler is certainly correct about “what one sees on the left.” The mess created by “progressive” rallies and demonstrations has become legendary. The Occupy movement left tons of litter for hapless sanitation workers to clean up after their 2011 protests. More recently, the “Women’s March” did the same. The Black Lives Matter movement has been even worse, adding riots and looting to their mounds of trash."

Excellent article bout the differences between trashy minded and acting leftists and Marxists and the brainwashed buffoons following their lies and the quality folks thinking for themselves... the patriots of the USA.

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The best people in the world support the Mises Institute.

5,112 people to be exact.

Will you join them?

Become a member for just $5 a month and receive a free gift.$5 

Original Tweet:

6:43 AM - 23 Sep 2019

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We’re launching several new security features that make ProtonMail even more secure against attacks. Learn about these technologies and how they keep you safe:

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