For those who don't know, we forked Gitlab and will be adding the ability for developers to login with their Gab accounts shortly. Free speech web-based Git-repository manager for the win.
I am looking for a little HELP!
Need 125 more YouTube subscribers to turn on live streaming -
Thanks :)
Lightning Labs just released their app for iOS and Android!
@Sosthene salut sosthene, outre le fait que je peux pas, t’as prevu le prochain atelier au soir de la fete de la musique ! :)
For anyone interested, ive created a bitcoin-only matrix chatroom.. pls feel free to share the link and join in ! :)
@Sosthene et je vois que l’idee de shamir secrets a ete validee par les gens de ledger a breaking, par contre faut etre sur que le truc propose sur le site de ian coleman fait le boulot avec les constants et l’alea
@Sosthene salut sosthene, ca a ete breaking btc? J’ai encore une idee folle pr toi .. pubkey based ssh authentication sur un tor hidden service —> eps —> connection ssh via electrum depuis un autre ordi sur tor ! :D
For anyone interested, ive created a bitcoin-only matrix chatroom.. pls feel free to share the link and join in ! :)
This is where you can find me now folks ! From what I gather @purism doesn't plan to moderate, at least as long as it's not outright abuse.