Authenticating to a website, 2010: Type in username and password
Authenticating to a website, 2024:
- Type in username
- Look up 20-character password in password keeper
- wait
- Prompt for 2FA token
- Dig out phone
- Unlock phone
- Scroll through 50 services to find 2FA token for website
- Type in 2FA token
- Success
- Receive email alerting you to the fact you've logged in
- Six weeks later: receive email telling you service had been compromised eight weeks ago and you must change password.
@black6 "Please don't water the flowers, the microphones will rust"
@makeworld thank you!
@makeworld any idea what happens to the simple mobile apps already on your phome? Do you avoid updating them?
@raucao probably a shitty website.
Ancient Greek Historian Herodotus (484-425/413 BC), often criticized for inaccuracy in his Histories, but on the customs of Persians is regarded as accurate. He is also accurate in his description of birthdays as important annual events as Persians and also of instituting serving of desserts after meal. He is also correct in his passage in same chapter on Persian love of wine and their policy of making decisions drunk and then reevaluating same when sober.
Anarchy is order; government is civil war.
-- Anselme Bellagarrigue
In 1925, Coca-Cola released a souvenir shaped like a swastika, a symbol of good luck in the U.S. and India at that time. This item was actually a watch fob, used for advertising before the swastika became associated with the Nazis.
I just cancelled my Adobe licence after many years as a customer.
The new terms give Adobe "worldwide royalty-free licence to reproduce, display, distribute" or do whatever they want with any content I produce using their software.
This is beyond insane. No creator in their right mind can accept this .
You pay a huge monthly subscription and they want to own your content and your entire business as well.
Going to have to learn some new tools.
@raucao idk, from what i have seen of health there is never a 100%. It's always tradeoffs..
@raucao i have found a significant drop in tooth issues since i turned quasi carnivore. Not recommending that necessarily but the point is it would be better to attack root causes. There's a paper on this lemme see if i can find it. Then ofc there's weston price