@rob That's why peer review is important. Not because of the feedback (I see you, Reviewer 2!), but because it shakes out the gremlins.
Hot tip: if you're interested in learning the details of world sanctions against Russia, you should attend this free webinar.
I know some of the people involved. They're knowledgeable and violently allergic to bullshit.
Still using OpenOffice? It has unfixed security issues over a year old: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_OpenOffice#Security – So all users are strongly recommended to update to one of the actively maintained successor projects, like LibreOffice. (Please share and help raise awareness about this!)
@system76 Does it have a TPM?
LWN in EPUB format
@rob @sagefault Works for me now too. Thanks!
@rob This is good advice for everyone, really.
@rob @sagefault Also gives me a 404, even removing path parts, up until I get to the rjhansen.
Perhaps related to https://github.com/elibster/the_deck having a status of "moving?
Our dev blog helps new #LibreOffice developers to get started and explains core concepts. Here's what we'll be covering in 2025: https://dev.blog.documentfoundation.org/2025/01/16/outlook-for-the-new-year-2025/
@killyourfm @skobkin Kind of amazing to see all these Steam Deck knockoffs running Windows suddenly being released from Microsoft-dependent hardware vendors now that a non-Windows game platform has got some traction.
Reminds me so much of the days of the eeepc and netbooks/net tops. I wonder if they used exactly the same playbook as last time, or did it require a large update?
@system76 may want a word about hardware support
[$] The OpenWrt One system
OpenWrt is, despite its relatively low profile, one of our community's most important distributions; it runs untold numbers of network routers and has served as the base on which a [...]
@kravietz So the prompt is correct, then.
@warthog9 Huh There are some interesting ones there, though being remote is rather a constraint too.
If you were ever curious what working for me would be like, you have an opportunity to come experience it.
Lots going on, lots of low level distro, packaging, ci/cd pipeline stuff, and in a very open source centric company.
@kawa Depends entirely on whether it was on before you pushed it.