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I know are marked as partial for on , but is has run without issues for me for a long time until recently. Suddenly, I am frequently not getting any audio in Calls, while my counterpart can hear me, on v24.06 stable. On Edge, I get distorted audio most of the time.

I just wonder what happened and what I should look for to troubleshoot?

> celebrate_future_coders()

The EU Code Week is here to inspire people to gain coding and digital skills.

From 14 to 27 October, grassroots events across Europe will allow everyone to explore coding and careers in STEM.

Whether it's Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Rust, you name it, learning to code can help make sense of a rapidly changing world and open up countless opportunities.

Discover the activities closer to you and resources in 29 languages 👉


Where am I supposed to report new issues, since gives the following message?
"This is an archived project. Repository and other project resources are read-only."

Also I automated egg detection and it's available on the chicken tab on my Home Assistant dashboard :P

#homeassistant #poultry #chickens

"We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing."

I’m currently working on a new Python WebKitGTK browser for GNOME. I’m aiming for it to be a better foundation to work on than Epiphany which has a huge C codebase and some outdated UI patterns. :blobcat_engineer:


I upgraded #GNOME #Calls to #gtk4 + #libadwaita for fun. It's now released in v47.0! Should be available soon in your #LinuxMobile distribution of choice 🚀

Massive thanks to @devrtz, @agx, @brainblasted, and Maximiliano for putting up with my beginner-level GTK skills!

As I have abandoned Android and am now daily-driving Gnome mobile / PostmarketOS on my OnePlus 6, I feel the urge to contribute to filling the app gap. Nobody seems to have asked for an app to record push ups and track progress, but that's what I want to accomplish now. Here are some first impressions of my Libadwaita app, which I call "Pushup Sessions":

I just realised that I'm using my #android phone just for banking, camera and video calls. Everything else I'm doing from my #postmarketos phone. The day is near my friends. The day is near...

What are your thoughts about Telegram after the recent news and the arresting of the founder? Is it mostly conspiracy theories about his ties with Russia? How do you think Telegram stacks up against other messaging platforms in terms of security, integrity etc.? Will you continue to use it?

What are your thoughts about Telegram after the recent news and the arresting of the founder? Is it mostly conspiracy theories about his ties with Russia? How do you think Telegram stacks up against other messaging platforms in terms of security, integrity etc.? Will you continue to use it?

9th graders learn Linux for the environment!

Last week in #Hannover, #KDEEco joined Akademie der Spiele, an event for 200+ students with 20+ career/cultural workshops.

Students salvaged dozens of computers with #OpenSource #FreeSoftware.

They learned about the #environmental costs of #eWaste and device production.

They presented their work to peers and teachers!

Some even played games🚀

We're proud of our students - congrats for all you achieved in only 5 days!


#KDE #FOSS #OptGreen

Today we entered string freeze 📜🧊 for #GIMP 3.0.0!

One more step towards the next major version of GIMP! 🎨

#GIMP3 #FreeSoftware #graphics

I won a contest @libreoffice held, and I got all this KILLER LibreOffice swag from them.

I've used LibreOffice for so many years, from back in the mid 2000s when it was OpenOffice. It's better than Microsoft Office. It's totally free and open source, and you don't have to be logged in like you do now with Office.

Try it out if you haven't, you won't regret it.

#LibreOffice #OpenSource #FOSS

I finally got the official #funding confirmation from @PrototypeFund .

Time to gather the needed contacts before I begin with #libobscura next month!

#libobscura is going to be a proof of concept #linux #camera library which doesn't make the same mistakes as #libcamera . I'll base it on @martijnbraam 's work with #libmegapixels .

Hello! We are a small independent bookshop in Stow, in the Scottish Borders. We are no longer using Twitter, for obvious reasons, but could use some new followers on Mastodon and other social media channels - where our presence is smaller than on Twitter. Please help / share this is you can! Thank you.

@purism will you release the numbers on how many people are paying for a subscription (and at what tiers)? it would be nice to draw some direct parallels to how these donations impact the open source and upstream work you do

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Librem Social

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