@purism i have serveral problems with images from other hosts here... if i search for i get some posts but most have no pictures. if i open the pix on desktop i get a json with the string "throttled". why?

@m0n5t3r @purism yeah electron stuff would be very bad; telegram uses qt. Hm i sync my contacts with carddav on sfos. Maybe you could transfer it the same way? I dont know ubports enough :)

@m0n5t3r @purism Why should someone port ubuntu touch stuff if you could run the original linux desktop apps (some touch optimized some not (yet)) - for example the official telegram - directly ?

@purism will i be able to buy a molded case later and put the electronics in? on the pictures it looks easy to (re)place the boards :)

@purism i will definitely test the Motorola Lapdock once i get the Librem 5 in my hands and will let you guys know the results. thanks for the answer :)

@purism is it possible to use the librem 5 with a Motorola Lapdock (usb c to usb / hdmi adapter) or a Hp x3 LapDock?

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml