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‼️ Please donate to help Okhmadyt hospital hit by the russian missile today!
The children that are hospitalized there have blood cancer! #Okhmadyt #RussialsATerroristState

🔈Please share if you can!

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Rocket attack on national children's cancer hospital by head of UN security council

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Once you realize that both Trump and his MAGA Republicans work for Russia, not America, everything they do makes sense.

ruff boosted

The irony.
On World Water Day, the Russians attack the largest remaining dam in Ukraine, a clear and explicit violation of the 1977 Geneva Convention Protocols against attacking civilian #water infrastructure and dams.
And a reminder they most certainly destroyed the massive Kakhovka Dam last June.

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How frequently do you use an RSS reader?

:boost_ok: Please boost for more representative data.

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Strašně silná a důležitá slova studentů a studentek žurnalistiky. Jsou to právě jejich vrstevníci a mnohdy i kamarádi, kteří se stali terčem útoku.

Jsem rád, že apelují na etiku a kultivaci veřejného prostoru. Řada médií tragédii pokryla nešťastně. Jejich dopis podporuji.

Omg, just saw ad on youtube - Orban is the only protector of Europe from migration and Brussel is making everything possible to disrupt his noble efforts 🤡 🤦‍♂️ 🤬 google is radicalizing europe

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The EU intends to add surveillance to end-to-end encrypted chats, including the use of AI powered scanners that should (generically) detect Child Sexual Abuse Material and grooming & report to Europol. Yesterday, I presented on this terrible proposal in a hearing of the Dutch parliament. Here is an English transcript of my very plain language explanation of how bad this all is: /cc @echo_pbreyer

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ruff boosted

@dos Not sure the first one posted correctly. Just as well since this is slightly better centered.

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Welcome to the successor to

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I migrated servers last week and boy did I develop some strong opinions about migration and the as-yet only semi-fulfilled promise of account portability.

If you're thinking about moving instances—or you'd like to know yet more about my dreams for better networks—here's a post you might want to read:

ruff boosted

Earlier today Elon Musk said that my ban was temporary, 45 min later he denied my appeal to reinstate my account and confirmed that I am *permanently* banned. The email I just received says the decision cannot be reversed.
I have never once violated Twitters rules or terms of service. I’ve never had a single tweet flagged, my account was permanently banned with no warning and with no reason, after I reached out to Musk for comment.
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitter #tech #news #technews

I knew I saw it already somewhere though, finally found - , took me two days to find. Also no need in hidapi as it could simply be fed via /dev/hidraw. On the other hand I can do hidapi now, which I need for nitrokey hotp

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this result was generated by executing this code with this shell command

for r in 1 2 3; do for i in 1 4 8 16 2 0; do sudo _b/mntkbd LEDS$i 1; done; sleep 1; done

sudo is needed to access evdev input device.

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While working on a script to suspend came with an idea of light indication

My first i.MX8MQ device. Not the which I ordered more than 4 years ago, but which I ordered two months ago. Thanks to @mntmn for making it happen, and christmas spirit (whatever name it has) which made sure it was all in time and in proper order :)
p.s. There's also nice green keyboard next to it but it didn't fit the viewport :) Both items are very solid and well made.

Christmas is here!

> Your order has been shipped

Thanks @mntmn !

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