@mailbox_org@mastodon.social but but but https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Mindeststandards/Mindeststandard_BSI_Protokollierung_und_Detektion_Version_1_0a.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=5
> Die Speicherfrist aller Protokollierungsdaten beträgt 90 Tage. Nach Ablauf der 90 Tage sind alle
Protokollierungsdaten unwiderruflich zu löschen.
@dcz I'm using both with ecdsa set to be "preferred by server", however majority of connections end up with rsa. I understand attacker will always chose the weakest, but seems many client stacks cannot handle still dcsa.
@dcz X1-X3 is series of protocols/interfaces which any EU telco operator must implement to provide LI (Lawful intercept or simple surveillance).
@dcz USA is merely wild west here while in EU surveillance is heavily bureaucratized (eg X1-X3 interfaces and stuff). For end user (like me) it still means I have no idea whether I'm under LI or not, legitimately or by whim.
@dcz If you don't use (or trust) encryption then yes, although I don't see much difference here between US, UK or DE based companies, my trust to them is comparable.
@dcz ah so you need legal entity in EU? Their PoPs (end hence breakout) are definitely in EU.
@dcz Ok, I'm using huricane tunnel service with PoP at Frankfurt https://www.tunnelbroker.net/status.php was using AMS before since FRA was overloaded. Latency is 20-30ms.
@dcz do you mean ISP providing native IPv6 or tunnel broker (IPv6 tunnel provider which can run on top of retail ipv4 broadband)?
@dcz anyway there will be git rebase -i HEAD~~~~~~~ before MR
@dcz Finally recovered my old dev image :)
Here's scrubbed version of playbook.
@dcz originally yes, but as i said aio loop construction is totally parallel. and main playbook could be a single loop calling modules with business logic. But that logic follows same principles, sequential unless aio-looped.
@dcz ansible (async io loops are concurrent)
> They have no say over this war either...
This war is happening because they have nothing to say.
@grishka *is shot
@grishka Oh right, of course. When your family is hot you request authorities to allow protest. got it. and if they reject - you oblige. Of course.