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When you correct someone on terminology, you deeply hurt your chances at winning them over to your worldview. You should be willing to sacrifice the correct words if it means you can win the correct thoughts

Indent with semicolons

int main() {
;;;;int a;
;;;;for (a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
;;;;;;;;printf("%d\n", a);

(is it illegal to recycle your old tweets as toots)

>We're contacting you about exclusive discounts!

Can you fucking not

... and that is why you should run your own cloud.
"Most of the cloud is controlled by just four corporations – Amazon, Microsoft and Google in the US, and China’s Alibaba. Goldman Sachslast year said these four hold 56 per cent of the world public cloud market..."

#Cloud, like water, should be #commons.

The last episode of @librelounge is a real lesson for me as a producer in giving people what they want.

Our audience has made it clear that they want the human element of Free Software. They want the why, they want the emotion and history and the ways that who we are impacts us.

I was worried that if we got too non-technical, we might lose people, but it's our most technical users who have cheered the loudest.

I will keep this in mind as our show continues to grow and evolve.

My brain and fingers keep using the word flarn when they're meant to talk about fable. How am I expected to get anything done this say? Bad brain.

Just read an article about how "Försäkringskassan" - a Swedish state agency is utilizing @nextcloud .

One of the big reason they do it us because of Cloud Act.

Nice, I hope that our government realizes that free software is the only way to go. There is no downsides when it comes to using and writing free software.

#freesoftware #linux #nextcloud #sweden

Microsoft refusing to sell #Huawei licenses for its #MateBook laptops could be great news for #GNU/ #Linux:

If MS do the same to all Chinese laptop makers, chances are they will either collaborate on a GNU/Linux distro, or create one each. It seems logical that as soon as the Chinese government realizes it doesn't have to allow proprietary OS controlled by US corporations to be used in its territory, it will forbid them, as it already does with their internet services.

These are hardware kill switches.

Not a webcam cover. Not software disabled Wi-Fi. Kill switch.

Laptops should have these.

Ours do.

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