@larry sone just all honestly think it's all command line. It doesn't have to be, they don't want it to be. My two roommates, I set each of their laptops up with standard Linux Mint. They're happy as pigs in mud. I ssh to them, and update both remotely from my phone or my laptop. Linux Mint but using the i3 window manager. So nobody else will want to use it. lol
WebAuthn Web Authentication with YubiKey 5
A look at the recently released #YubiKey 5 hardware authenticator series and how web authentication with the new WebAuthn API leverages devices like YubiKey for painless website registration and strong user authentication.
@larry I myself found it better to cut out most carbs. Or cut down on them. Been doing that since at least December/January. Dropped like 30lbs. Weekends I still have a pizza or something. But soda other than Coke Zero, etc have been cut out. Just some thoughts.
@lwriemen only played with it when I got it free from a job. The other department had shutdown so I raided software and it was unopened Visual Interdev suite at the time. 😈 Bloated for sure.
@larry There are command line pdf manipulators. Probably some graphical ones too. But as far as a suite, everyone likes choice. You get Libre Office with doc editing, spreadsheets, etc. But doubt you'll find one option to fit all under one hood.
@larry Best option on weight. Cut back on carbs, sugar being one of them. Been doing that myself.
Once I get the #Librem5 phone. Then I'll go through and disable Google Pay, etc. Currently the convenience does help with some local shops. Especially where if I'm half asleep and walk to the store and forget my wallet on those rare occasions. lol But I'll probably hold onto my LGV20 though just to mess around with NFC tags, etc afterwards.
@jmcourtiade Keepass on any platform been my favorite for years now. Like they say why fix it if it ain't broke.
Best band in Russia in my opinion. #Biopsyhoz #Sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c39jAKGU6qs
#Biopsyhoz - Ludi Na B-Ludi
Reincarnated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jmkgjWDEx8
Love this video and artist #Biopsyhoz #LyingAdvertising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyvUnCXmnxM
Metalhead, geek, occasional gamer, linux user. Want to know more ask.. Mid-40's from Massachusetts if you need to know...