@pkimpton read that #priceincrease better hurry
@jameshjacksonjr already got it ordered this morning
@pkimpton nice nice nice u made it just in time
@jameshjacksonjr I was keeping tabs anyways between the newsletter and my Twitter feed plus on here. 😉
@pkimpton you use Twitter still?
@jameshjacksonjr mainly for the metal bands and labels I follow.
@pkimpton you think u will always still use it?
@jameshjacksonjr Possibly. I've cut it off before a few times in past years cold turkey. Or I'll just use it less and less and peek in from time to time. But somehow doubt will see the bands and labels make a mass migration to another network.
@pkimpton unless u tweet them and keep telling them about mastodon and why they don't want their data being tracked and sold to the highest bidder
@jameshjacksonjr Been telling quite a few individuals, etc about it, etc
@pkimpton nice that's good hope u can get off it some day
@jameshjacksonjr No different than losing weight, gotta gradually cut it off or cut some things off . Like sugar, I've stopped using sugar, and avoid sugary drinks pretty much altogether. Not to mention not binging on pizza all the time. And I've lost about 30lbs in a couple of months. So it's all about moderation and will power.
WIth FB I just got sick of everyone on there so that with after I did a back up it was gone in less than a week.
Im glad I never ever had accounts on Facebook Instagram and all that crap IRC chat and the such was me being social back in the late 90s early 2000s
@jameshjacksonjr Yeah, I had IRC years ago, I haunt it every now and then especially if I want to find pirated content, etc. Obviously bands, labels aren't trying to promote their content on IRC other than their diehard fans doing it.
On IG I have 30 or 40 of people I keep in touch with daily with on there. So that'll probably remain even after I ditch Twitter.
Back in the days I had myspace, that's how I learned to do HTML my profile looked like a website which I thought was pretty cool.
Wow you were and are on tons of big companies proprietary social networks over the years
@jameshjacksonjr Keeping in touch with the bands I listen to and such especially when the mail order catalog days died. And also at the time most stores near me didn't sell nearly half the stuff I listened to at the time. So you learn to network and spread out.
If it weren't due to learning to network like that. Hell I wouldn't have one of my longest friends for 20+ years and probably wouldn't have ever met.