Always cool to get a new library card, but this is the most excited I've been about acquiring one since I was at a similar reading level in English! #ButterflyInTheSky
Have been informed I am a close contact. Whelp, no dining out or public transit for me for the next couple weeks. #cycling
Massachusetts: a right to repair would make it easier for people to fix their broken devices, help independent businesses, and help the environment. Tell your lawmakers to support your right to repair. https://act.eff.org/action/massachusetts-speak-up-for-your-right-to-repair
Mission accomplished! 'Twas an amphibious 26.2 miles with multiple downpours, but well worth it. #RunWithTheMarines
End-to-end, transport-layer, full-disk, in transit, at rest—there's more than one way to encrypt. Learn more here about different kinds of encryption and how they all fit together. https://sec.eff.org/articles/different-encryption
Weekend project: Are you helping your family to change their social media settings to be more private? You might want to try this lesson plan by the Security Education Companion
Need a gift idea for an upcoming birthday or holiday? @nmillerche at #DragonCon sent us this idea: combine EFF dice and word list inside of a decorative container to build a password generator kit! https://t.co/NGhjqbEXgD
┃┃╱╲ in
┃╱╱╲╲ this
▔▏┗┛▕▔ we
don't spy on our neighbors
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Engineer living in Kanagawa-Ken, Japan. エンジニアで、神奈川県にすんでいます。