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I need your help…

NPR is leaving Twitter but they are planning to focus on Instagram

We need to tell them to join the Fediverse

Many of their journalists’ accounts, as well as their main account, haven’t been active on mastodon. Tell them how much we need them here. (In fact, they should have their own instance)

Use the link, tell NPR we are waiting for them here and spread the word far and wide:

👋 Hello #fediverse! I'm going into a meeting at 4ET to talk about our newsroom's social media options.

If you think our station and other NPR stations should have a Mastodon server and a broader presence in the #fediverse, pls boost this post. If you have thoughts, please reply, I want to hear them!

Lunar New Year celebration in 横浜市の中華街。This parade is dragon but I don't mind.

Pop!_OS now has zram enabled! zram actively compresses memory in the background, increasing the amount of free memory your system has available. This results in increased FPS in games, or faster simulations and compiler runs.:sunglasses:

How do you stop #Canadian bacon from #curling ?

You take away their tiny brooms.


Oh dear. I've just been informed that collecting the names of every person on the planet for my naughty and nice lists is, and I quote, “a significant and wholly irresponsible breach of #GDPR “.
I'm going to hand out about 8 billion consent forms soon. If you could all get them back to me ASAP that would be appreciated.

Always cool to get a new library card, but this is the most excited I've been about acquiring one since I was at a similar reading level in English!

Have been informed I am a close contact. Whelp, no dining out or public transit for me for the next couple weeks.

First time in the theater since... gosh, I think it was Spider-Man: Far From Home, around three years ago. Found a sub'd (vice dubb'd 日本語で) showing of Black Panther 2.

Already filled with turkey and pie, Thanksgiving could finally start for our house last night (JST) along with the beginning of the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon.

Happy Turkey Day to all our friends in the US!

三浦のマラソンの走ることを考えております。Considering whether I'd be ready for the Miura Marathon this coming March.

Daikon 大根 radishes are awarded in lieu of medals. Lots of fun, but a shorter open course time than I'm used to in the US.

I just learned that “bento” (弁当), as in the box lunch, uses “ben” 弁 meaning “dialect” and not “ben” 便 meaning “convenient,” and I am irrationally annoyed.

Dusting off the ol' login credentials. こんにちは、皆様!

Massachusetts: a right to repair would make it easier for people to fix their broken devices, help independent businesses, and help the environment. Tell your lawmakers to support your right to repair.

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