shahaan @
moose @
purism Seems there are a lot of ways to go but the easiest way depends on how well your current VPN exports their settings for you. My own VPN is just one built into my router that I set-up for myself. It exports an OVPN type file that I download to a PC, transfer to the phone, then import into the app.
As seen above the main screen for Librem Tunnel has 3 main methods for set-up:
This is for people paying for the subscription via Librem One. It's a single click, then the you@librem.one username and password is all that's needed to finish the set-up.
This is the one I used because my router would export an OVPN type file. I imported it and it worked great. I'm behind DHCP though so if the IP for my connection changes I have to make a new OVPN file and reimport it.
If your VPN service doesn't have a way to export the config as a file, you'll have to use this option and type in the settings where appropriate. It seems that with method #2 & #3 you may have many different VPN's stored for use at will.
If my suggestions turn out to be wrong, have a look at what they have in the FAQ's. Those are likely to always be correct no matter how old this post gets. ;)
Tap the circled-plus icon and this pop's up.
Write in your choice of a name then tap OK.
That takes you to the full set of possibilities for manually entering settings that your VPN provider will tell you: