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McSinyx boosted
McSinyx boosted

Origins of the youtube-dl project 

I'm rocking my 2015 vibe again: doing everything the right/light way!

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Why isn't send-email more popular? It's so much simpler than PR/MR:

McSinyx boosted

In a world where technology can mean the difference between life and death, can we afford the restrictions proprietary software places on progress? Watch and share "Rewind," our latest video promoting #UserFreedom:

McSinyx boosted

Why all the hate on #purism they might have oversold the #librem5 as a daily driver but I hope most bought it to progress the ecosystem... I'm so greatful for the work they did on #phosh and #libhandy that make my #pinephone usable.

McSinyx boosted

For most of this year, @zwol and I have been working on a pretty ambitious project:
* to make a fresh release of GNU Autoconf, a crucial #FLOSS build tool that hadn't had a new release since 2012
* to get paid for that
* to help put Autoconf on a more sustainable footing so it doesn't have to get rescued again a little while down the road

Autoconf 2.70 is due out next month, and you can read my fresh LWN story about the rejuvenation & what's next:

McSinyx boosted

calling a protocol 'finger' was a serious mistake, but I respect webfinger for really leaning into the horniness of it, logo-wise.

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McSinyx boosted
Limiting Disney's copyright to two years because that's the life expectancy of a mouse.
McSinyx boosted

libhandy 1.0.0 released. 🎉

We released it a bit in advance to let application maintainers update their submodules in time for the GNOME 3.38.0 release. 😀 That being said, we expect distros to ship libhandy as any other regular stable library. 😉

McSinyx boosted

Students shouldn't be forced to use Zoom, Skype, and other nasty proprietary software to access an education. Support their #UserFreedom: sign our petition!

McSinyx boosted

Today we're launching our new video in support of student #UserFreedom. Watch the University of Costumed Heroes and share our message to stand up for the rights of the younger generation.

McSinyx boosted
McSinyx boosted

If you didn't port your app to libhandy 1, now is the best time. We even have a migration guide to help you!

If you ported to a libhandy 1 alpha, I also strongly recommend you to update to 0.90 as you are guaranteed you won't have to change a thing after.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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