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@codesections, so I suppose this is one of the reasons why Paul Graham recommended Blub programmers to learn Lisp.

@huy_ngo, so that's what the * patches to GitLab merge requests* thing for

@huy_ngo, sorry for sidetracking but Alpine is using for mailing lists? I'm pleasantly surprised!

McSinyx boosted

Btw I'm packaging dictd on Alpine. here's my latest patch so far:
The current problem is that I don't know how to start dictd without systemd 😂

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McSinyx boosted

Tagged Megapixels 1.0, featuring GPU debayer and GTK4 thanks to benjamin :D

McSinyx boosted

I'm curious, @krille, is on GNU/Linux does Flutter get translated to native UI framework (e.g. GTK+ or Qt) or is it Electron?

@libreleah, I thought you were not really happy at Debian on the recent vote? IMHO though, that was the best possible outcome to Debian itself, which was already lacking human power and could not afford a chilling effect. In addition, no organization should have a say over the governance of the FSF other than the FSF itseft, so a public statement would have been pointless.

McSinyx boosted
McSinyx boosted

Thanks,, I'll look into it.

McSinyx boosted

The reason why it is scary that you can be reprimanded for being political at work is that it coincides with a deterioration of discrimination protections, and, for many people, their existence itself is political.

Thanks,! My motivation is simple: I grew tired of having to sign up for every other GitLab instance for contributions that are often one-off, or even worse, commenting. If something can solve that and there is something I can do about it, I would love to. Of the works you listed, I am most confident with writing implementation (TBF there are code I enjoy writing and code I don't 😉). Here is my portfolio if you want to get a sense of my past experiences:

Count me in,! I suppose that the way to keep myself up to date is to subscribe to the forum, do you have any recommendation on which topics to watch (I am afraid that I will burn myself out if I watch everything, my current daily email load is not small to start with). Plus, is there a way to participate without another discourse account, e.g. email or ActivityPub?

McSinyx boosted, what do you need a hand on? Also, will there be financial compensations?

> As of beginning of december 2020, after hundreds of requests we have been finnaly delisted and so email flow to Microsoft owned email services has been restored!.

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