@ssafar Couldn't agree more. Docker is making developers lazy and leading to software that's impossible to install outside of the very specific hand-tweaked environment provided by the docker image.
"Installation: we recommend that you use Docker."
what I'm supposed to see: "hey, it's a simple one-liner! Such clean install, much wow."
what I actually see: "we couldn't figure out how to install this thing on anything but our own machine, but hey, here is a well-compressed image of our entire disk, use this instead so that we can stop trying"
watch it again, @huy_ngo
Bioicons - a library of 1632+ free, high quality science illustrations in vector format easily searchable and filterable specifically for the life science community. All icons are under permissive CC0 or CC BY license
I wrote yesterday about how not to run a vulnerability disclosure program:
It's a trick question to get rid of 99% of the applicants. The successful candidate will be one who presents a viable plan for convincing management of the absurdity of using insecure, non-free tools for encouraging privacy, and convinces management of the practicality of switching to the free world.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (#EPIC) is looking to hire someone who can support #Microsoft 365 & #Zoom & who "is passionate about privacy and data protection". LOL. https://epic.org/epic/jobs.html#global-privacy-counsel
@pizza_pal, what a great candidata for /r/debianinrandomplaces
Friday! Time for This Week in Matrix! URI scheme news, plus servers, clients, spec, and more! https://matrix.org/blog/2021/04/23/this-week-in-matrix-2021-04-23 #twim #decentralisation #matrix
University banned from kernel development after professor and students repeatedly intentionally introduce security vulnerabilities into the Linux kernel.
Then they pull the inclusivity card when they're called out on it.
If you were wondering why Microsoft and all the rest are *really* big on Codes of Conduct and other shit that enables this sort of attack....
Well yes but actually no, @huy_ngo. Ubuntu maintains its own downstream repo. The relationship between pmOS and Alpine is more similar to other Debian-based derivatives which have a customization repo slapped on top of the original ones.
@huy_ngo, sxmo is a ME (Mobile Environment, not the Intel one) and it's one of pmOS' flavors. pmOS is Alpine FYI d-;
A short update on the Pinephone Keyboard add-on:
Have you contact disroot for more information, @Zergling_man? Since they manually process registrations, there might be a chance that yours slipped due to human errors.
I'm a Vietnamese undergrad student and a free software enthusiast.