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Finances de

Any: 2022

Pagaments: 425.97€
Donacions: 496.23€

Balanç: 70.26€

Objectiu assolit: 116.49%

Cost del servidor: 32.66€ (mensual)
Cost del domini: 32.05€ (anual)

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Kaixo! Pentsatu dozue agian sortzea konturik? -k, adibidez, egin dau jada. Eta beste lekuko medio batzuk nola edo egin dabe bebai.

marc0s boosted



New: General Mills, Audi, Pfizer and VW all put their Twitter ads on pause. This is turning into a huge debacle for


I think I need help reaching out to whoever manages this instance at . Please, , can anyone help me? Appreciated!

@gerwitz Akkoma and (since yesterday's develop branch) Pleroma support different hostnames for the actors and the instance URL. See this Akkoma docs

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marc0s boosted

Start of XMPP Providers Website 🚀

It’s Your Choice!

Are you looking for an XMPP provider that suits you? There is this new website now based on the data of XMPP Providers. XMPP Providers offers a curated list of providers and tools for filtering them, creating badges and more.

#xmpp #chat #registration

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M’encanta que cada institució pugui prendre les regnes de les seves pròpies comunicacions establint un servidor de #mastodon que a més a més permet i facilita l’accés a tothom via el protocol del #fediverse. Un model tan extraordinari com revolucionari. Per exemple, el govern de la Unió Europea.


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To help new #federati fill their timeliene, I will continue to almost immediately follow back when you follow me. HOWEVER - only when you have profile picture and at least one short sentence in your bio. Deal? :) !t

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Aquesta és la quantitat d'usuaris nous per dia a
L'onada va començar divendres passat dia 28 d'octubre amb 33 usuaris nous, avui ja portem 30 i, efectivament, ahir té el record amb 140!

#segona #onada #ElonMusk

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@bobjonkman @atomicpoet @rysiek

Which is why I love the concept of instances, not just as redundant nodes in a network, but as non-homogeneous micro communities with different rules and values. This way it's technically possible to have shared communities within Dunbars number, who can still have rules that match their needs, unlike a platform made for a giant monoculture.

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marc0s boosted


Hey Twitter employees getting laid off tomorrow! IMPORTANT INFO from a CA employment attorney (me):

CA's "WARN" law requires Twitter to give you 60 days notice of a massive layoff.

A layoff of 50+ employees within a 30 day period qualifies.

I know you didn't get that notice.


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