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the thing about fedi is that when you first join and look at some threads, you'll have no idea what anyone is talking about and you see them as if they're on some higher abstract level of consciousness. But really, everyone is just a schizo and you just gotta roll with it
m0xEE boosted
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Last Thursday, thanks to , I had the chance to know more about engine. Martin Robinson ( working at ) explained succinctly web browser's history, why browser diversity matters, what provides in its development, its modular architecture and plans for #Servo.

You can track Web Platform Tests passing status at:

If you want to make a try, pre-built nightly binaries can be found for several platforms here:

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

"What's your greatest weakness?"


"Can you elaborate?"

*deep sigh* "Can we not do this now?"

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in case you ever need help telling what kind of drum and bass someone is talking about i made this handy little chart!

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avast ye scurvy docs, it's not like it totally works yet but i think it's about time to introduce you to the results of the past has it been another fucking month already.

this is #tek, the prototype #daw in #rust for the #linux #tui environment. it aspires to be the missing link for the entire #jack ecosystem, but right now it strives to become a damn good #midi #sequencer.

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