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Ryan Chenkie:

Developers, please be careful when installing Homebrew. Google is serving sponsored links to a Homebrew site clone that has a cURL command to malware. The URL for this site is one letter different than the official site.

Note: Google allows the ad sponsors to specify an URL that will be displayed on the ad (original here), but the click takes you to the malware domain

#Apple #HomeBrew #Google #MacOS

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Kittens pretending to sleep to get rid of me. I can reach in and gently pat them at least, without them trying to get away. I just cleaned out the litter tray so no doubt they'll be up soon to break in the new litter.

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I just started my Fediverse relay service which is a powerful way to support smaller instances, especially single-user setups, by boosting their visibility and enabling them to connect more easily with the wider network.

You can find more information at:

The instance is reachable on IPv4 and IPv6.

#fediverse #opensource #relay #devops #mastodon #pleroma #gotosocial #ipv6

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Hot take of the day: tabbed browsing was a mistake.

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we should not forget to buy more moomin mugs ​:moomin_hattifatteners:

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Some would say Mark Zuckerberg's actions this week accomplished little of value.

But I'd disagree.

Just look at the 138,900 cat photos that are now on Pixelfed 😹

#cats #Pixelfed #Meta

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Hard pass. I will not use #passkeys and will tell my friends and family to do the same.

So long as attestation part of the WebAuthn spec, it allows companies to lock consumers into using specific passkey managers.

It's exactly like streaming subscriptions. Attestation sets up the dystopia of a paid 1Password account for your email passkey, a paid LastPass account for your utility account passkey, a paid Bitwarden account for your health insurance, etc.


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Sooo, my employer decided to move all engineering to Taiwan, and laid off my entire team among everyone else affected. 😬

If you or someone you know is looking for a senior engineer, tech lead, or similar, and your requirements tick some of these boxes, please feel free to send me a message or DM!

- Rust since 2017, professionally since 2021
- USB, WinAPI, C interop, kernel-mode drivers
- Long-running, async applications
- Reverse engineering, legacy systems
- Embedded (RP2040 projects)
- napi/node integration
- wgpu, WGSL
- living in Germany, remote preferred
- mentoring Rust newcomers

Boosts appreciated, thank you!

#rust #rustlang

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Damn, David Lynch has passed away. 😢

He was one of my favorite directors. I consider him the Picasso of filmmakers. Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, The Elephant Man, Twin Peaks, Wild at Heart, The Straight Story, Lost Highway, the list of masterpieces goes on.

I once made this comic-style portrait of him, called "The Hair is on Fire," a wink to his Ambient music album called The Air is on Fire.

#DavidLynch #design #artwork #illustration #film #cinema #movies #art #arte #artist #GraphicDesign #2D
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