How does the new iOS inactivity reboot work? What does it protect from?
I reverse engineered the kernel extension and the secure enclave processor, where this feature is implemented.
Droidian 💯 released!
Get it while it's hot:
OTA update pushed to everyone tracking the `current` update channel.
Have fun! #MobileLinux #Droidian #phosh #gtk
@djsundog I really associate the phrase "information overload" with the six months after I graduated college and the studio apartment I moved into. I only connected my little black and white TV to the cable because I was hoping it would work as an antenna but I discovered it hadn't been turned off.
I'd never lived anywhere with cable before and suddenly I had CNN. The aftermath of Tianenmen Square was still being understood. The Bay Area got hit by the Loma Prieta earthquake. The Berlin Wall fell. The Soviet Union collapsed. I watched a firing squad kill the Dictator of Romania. I'd get home from one of my two jobs and immediately turn it on to see what I'd missed.
And then one day I picked up my phone to make a call. But it didn't go through. Instead I found myself in this amazing liminal telephone netherworld where I could hear a dozen or more conversations, all happening at once, against a background of electronic beeps. Just as I'd start to follow a couple sentences of one call it would vanish and its place be taken by another call. I sat listening to it for half an hour while trying to figure out a way to route the signal into my four-track cassette but couldn't get it to work.
Having my first taste of 24-hour news was as earthshaking as the events it was covering. And that phone call became my personal metaphor for what it felt like.
Then I got a dial up modem...
This is an experiment. Please boost.
Here's the idea: This post is going first to my followers, then, if they boost it, to other people. This domain has been registered for only this experiment. I should see in my web server's logs when mastodon instances start crawling the site for info. Then maybe also some curious humans.
I just want to play with my monitoring a bit :)
I'm not sure how this article would fare being automatically translated, but I doubt MT would ever do it, and I'm just a lazy ass enjoying my beer so I'm not up to the job either:
In any case, THIS is the true crime of Stalin — I hope after Russia crumbles, a public lavatory would get erected on top of his grave so people would be quite literally shitting on it!
It's Friday! Yay!
As ever, have a good weekend if you possibly can 😁
Look no further because my mom sent me #cat photos of how she and second dad clip Emmy’s nails and y’all… it’s SO GOOD
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.