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@nixCraft WebP includes a lossy and lossless algorithm, which are completely different and separate. Why cram both in the same file format? If the use case in practice only requires one or the other type, as most use cases do, half of WebP is unnecessary.

Want to re-implement WebP? You have to implement both algorithms. Way harder, than, say, re-implementing simple but effective PNG that just does one thing well.

I'd rather upgrade to backward-compatible PNGX.

m0xEE boosted
Satellite photos from #Russia Plesetsk test site in Arkhangelsk oblast’ indicate that 19-20 September test of RS-28 „Sarmat” intercontinental ballistic missile ended up in a failure. The photos show a huge crater in the place of the launch silo and FIRMS imagery shows huge fire at this place. Russia likely conducted the test as part of its nuclear sabre rattling addressed at the West but the failure, fourth in a row, sends the opposite message.
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m0xEE boosted
@Hyolobrika I disagree. Android should be withdrawn from the consumer market, it's fucking garbage.
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we're using 6vCPUs and 16GB or RAM just to run Akkoma now :akirbyrun:

Firewire Maintainer Is Looking For Help Testing IEEE-1394 Devices On Linux 6.12

Too late — most machines that I'm interested in working FW on, have lots of other issues: my PowerPC MacMini has some weird issue with memory not being freed with kernels newer than 6.1 😩
Would be great to get Firewire iSight working on that machine — but alas, it doesn't appear to be possible: there are no libraries supporting the new subsystem:

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m0xEE boosted

Lagrange v1.18: TUI and Misfin —

Development of version 1.18 has been a slow burn. Over the past year, I've been putting finishing touches on the Curses-based TUI variant and adding support for new Gemini-adjacent protocols. A number of bugs were fixed as well, and I've made several minor improvements in the user interface.

#GeminiProtocol #Gopher

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I had no idea you shouldn't give cats milk. They are lactose-intolerant

OMG, it's a funky shit!

I mean, look — that thing still works! 😄

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A RISC-V Stick-on — that controls your computer *anywhere*! Check out the Sipeed NanoKVM, a tiny $50 IP KVM:

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@kaia pretend?

p r e t e n d?

i have a dedicated script that checks my telegram for incoming voice message DMs and immediately deletes them upon arrival.

they see it. they know it. and everyone already understands.

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MNT Reform Next is getting a grid of screw threads in the bottom enclosure, inspired by the Peek array of the Novena laptop. this will allow people to more robustly mount internal expansions/customizations.

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m0xEE boosted
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