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m0xEE boosted
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The Torment Twins are working a Sentry Box Duty shift together tonight.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon

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so the cat expects a reply when he meows to me but if i meow to him i can expect dead silence and a big fuck you?? i see how it is

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Today I discovered a pretty cool utility for listing USB devices! 🔌

🌸 **cyme**: A modern and cross-platform lsusb!

🔥 Displays manufacturer, serial number, speed, current information (mA) and more!

🦀 Written in Rust!

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #lsusb #usb #devices #utility #commandline #tool #libusb

m0xEE boosted

@gordoooo_z @mcc I started using Marginalia and RSS, then ditched a lot of mainstream websites and services. In turn, I did end up finding my niche life-changing site(s). It's possible, it's just not advertised! The old net ran on "explorer" because you had to find the content yourself... I search around often when I start to get into a net-slump and It's very rewarding. Find someone you like and check out their web-rings, or the people they follow!

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“Deploying a basic website. Step 1, setting up Kubernetes…” <immediately closes tab, muttering Do you cloudhumpers even hear yourselves talk.>

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Do you know what it takes to turn a web engine into a browser?

Learn how we’re becoming browser-ready, including support for multiple webviews and multiple windows, through the lens of Verso, a new experimental browser based on Servo!

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Whenever I have the traditional illegal ramen at 2am, I make sure to also give my cat a treat.

So we can be accomplices.

#CatsOfMastodon #TerribleLifeChoices #Cats

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Happy to see my latest TUI project **Binsider** on the front page of Hacker News!

🚀 Check it out:

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #tui

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@JoseMariaHDZ @j @romin
This was a great topic to explore in a longer post… and I actually did, but I wanted to proofread it properly and then I forgot to get back to you with a link to it 😅
It's also available via HTTPS, m0xEE.Net/gemlog/posts/2024-09 , but I encourage you to use Gemini.

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That’s probably where JD got the idea in the first place.

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