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But let me remain unoriginal here: I won't be blaming capitalism and keep blaming Google in particular — typical me 😁

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Google is threatening to revoke early access to their devices if you give them unfavourable reviews:

The agreement tells participants they're "expected to feature the Google Pixel device in place of any competitor mobile devices." It also notes that "if it appears other brands are being preferred over the Pixel, we will need to cease the relationship between the brand and the creator."

Let's see if I can find better uses for my gemlog than being a collection of old broken and unfinished posts.
Ideally, I want it to become an outlet for walls of text I post here, but in reality I find myself more motivated when I'm interacting with people on Fedi.
So, The Beauty of Decentralisation: gemini://m0xEE.Net/gemlog/posts/2024-08-19-the-beauty-of-decentralisation.gmi
Also available via HTTPS (Meh, absolutely disgusting!🤮Use Gemini): m0xEE.Net/gemlog/posts/2024-08

m0xEE boosted

The Minuteman III missile (1970) is America's land-based nuclear deterrent, with 400 missiles ready to launch. The missile used a complex guidance system with over 17,000 electronic and mechanical parts that cost $4.5 million in current dollars. Let's take a look at the guidance system and computer. 1/N

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m0xEE boosted

Updating this old post:
>emoji reacts fully supported :eimithumbsup:
>frontend basically everything I could want from a fedi frontend (and it's not bloated to heck)
>no emoji autocomplete yet but :cirnoshrug:
>replies work well (reply notifs don't appear consistently in husky for whatever reason but I'll make a git issue for that)
>better docs for federation but I still find following relays with a throwaway bloats the db very quickly (there's probably a better solution I missed, I may be retarded)
>quote posts fully supported
>enough markdown, greentext support built in (death to indented quotes from > in markdown) (headings would be nice tho)
>still kinda wish there was a web UI for administrative stuff but we got mitractl + confs a non-schizoid can comprehend (looking at you pleromer) so :cirnoshrug:
>can replace static assets now ala pleroma, all that's left is figuring out how2change.css without rebuilding frontend
>on the subject of static assets I wonder if there could be an option to ignore file extension when replacing as I can't figure out how to APNG on GIMP and would like to make animated webp related the background for the instance frontpage and the filename must be identical down to the png extension
>would be nice to have bookmarks like pleromer
>docs for setting up XMR donations spotty and confusing, have dead links

Tl;dr: Mitra is at the point I could comfortably run it for my main instance, and I would recommend people run it over Pleromer or its forks. It runs better, it's not a pain in the arse to set up and maintain, DB doesn't eat up 500 quintillion terabytes of data for a single user instance (unless you do something retarded), updates are frequent and add features that are actually needed. It's pretty swell.


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m0xEE boosted

I've conducted extensive research and can now 100% confirm that Elon is a cat eater. Did I just search the internet for one lazy example of the exact thing I was looking for? Yes, but that's what he does to attack immigrants and the trans community every day so I'd say it's fair.

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Mike Magee, one of The Register co-founders died 🥲
Not today, but I only found out now, when someone posted a link on HNews:

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m0xEE boosted

Looks like a nice tutorial, complete with bringing the dependencies in, of how to do things (making a chess engine in this case) in Zig:

m0xEE boosted

[FR] Quelqu'un aurait un bon article qui parle des problème de modération et de censure sur wikipedia? Pour partager à des gens qui ne comprennent pas le problème?

[EN] Does anyone have a good article that talks about the problems of moderation and censorship on Wikipedia? to share with people who don't understand the problem?

m0xEE boosted
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