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Does anyone know if there's a #DEC #Alpha disassembler for #ghidra? It's not supported by default. Alternatively, is there a guide on how to write Ghidra extensions?

I have a 30 year old binary I would love to take a closer look at...

Google is threatening to kill Firefox if we do not surrender:
We have to act now and start bombing their infrastructure to save the world!

m0xEE boosted

OMG, @protonprivacy has added support for WireGuard over TCP and WG over TLS (branded Stealth) to their Windows software!
And the changelog entry for such game changer version is "Bug fixes and performance improvements" — very descriptive 🤦
The source for this isn't yet available on their GitHub, but I hope it will soon. But what I'm interested in most is their fork of wireguard-go that works on normal non-Android Linux-systems so I can run it on my proxy and stop using my phone as a VPN box.

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It's funny to see people come here from birdsite and be like, "wow, it's hard to get followers, and engagement is so low!" Yeah! Welcome to Fedi! You don't come here to grow your audience, you come here to see what your art/nerd/weirdo community is getting up to.

Firefox 129 Now Available With HTTPS Replacing HTTP As Default Protocol:

"…most websites are defaulting these days to promoting HTTP connections to HTTPS anyhow"
Why do you guys do this shit then? The ones who want their visitors to use HTTPS have ways to do that, those who don't — they don't want that. I've been disabling this "HTTPS by default" thing for years — with the way FF became, I'm not even sure they have left this option. Another reason to not update! 😩

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RISC-V is going mainstream: see how the Milk-V Jupiter Mini ITX board runs as a normal desktop PC, with Ubuntu, Bianbu, and Fedora Linux!

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@kaia , look! A thing that combines two of your "hobbies":
I haven't used it myself so I can't recommend it — or against it, but was featured on HNews.

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Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled

As it was written, so it begins.

There is no Manifest v3 compatible uBlock Origin. It is simply not possible.
Firefox has its problems and its controversies and plenty of dumb decisions, but Manifest v3 is not one of them. Going forward, some variant of Firefox will be your only bet if you want robust ad-blocking extensions.
A PiHole can only get you so far. Unless you want to run a full traffic intercepting proxy at home with SSL decryption, you need something at the application layer.

#Chrome #ManifestV3 #Manifest3 #Firefox #uBlockOrigin

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when your sitting position says "i'm chill" but your eyes say "i'm about to do something completely ridiculous"


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