My office desktop computer is 8 years old, and has run Ubuntu always. I have yet to notice that it's that old. Works excellently; and I do quite a bit of number crunching and image processing. Has a single CPU with only 4 cores, a smallish GPU, and 64 GB of RAM. It's even fanless, for zero noise, except for when the GPU is engaged (has its own fan). Like you, I credit open source software, and the absence of any spyware-like subscription nonsense.
didn’t see this until now but looks like jolla has another phone lined up
idk, display seems a bit low-res… but it’s got an audio jack and honestly seems good enough. might consider it if i get tired of the xperia 10 II (i don’t like its tall form factor and i only got it so i could run newer android apps)
Debian Seeing Work To Support systemd-boot:
"Debian developer Luca Boccassi has begun working on systemd-boot support for using it as an alternative to the GRUB bootloader."
"alternative" 😏
Not that I use Debian, so I mostly don't care. Still funny.
"Luna - Catofairy"
#caturday #ZXSpectrum #speccy #Spectrum #retrocomputing
Apparently, Google has fixed their "AI" bullshit:
Now I'm thinking of starting a conspiracy theory about Deep State attempting to downplay the health benefits of eating rocks and putting glue on pizza.
Any suggestions? Words of wisdom? 😏
Ulysses, by James Joyce - Free ebook download - Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.
This is the 1000th free ebook released by Standard Ebooks:
'This edition of Ulysses is special, too, because it was specially transcribed to ensure that it contains only pre-1929 text. (As you may know, only books published before 1929 are in the U.S. public domain.) To our knowledge, there’s no other modern online edition of Ulysses that carefully adheres to this requirement — the rest are mishmashes of various editions and corrections from earlier or later editions, with little, if any, oversight into what corrections are included or not.'
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