Exhibit A: "What did you just say?"
Exhibit B: "Never mind —not that I care!"
Does ordns.he.net indeed use an expired cert or is it my ISP attempting to MITM me?
Can anyone check https://ordns.he.net/dns-query please?
If you're doing a lot of work in C/C++/Rust consider using sccache to cache compilations. It's easy to set up and will save you a lot of time and a huge amount of power.
As an example this is just a couple of hours of work on Firefox, it saved me from re-running the compiler 90% of the time.
Oh wow, Maxim Kononenko, aka Mr. Parker, has reportedly died. A talented humorist who once wrote a satirical blog all about Putin, he was also a rabidly patriotic, chauvinist z-monster who penned propaganda essays for the last decade and change. https://t.me/rian_ru/245509
Musk claimed that Signal has unpatched security vulnerabilities. As a cryptography expert I’m not aware of any: instead Signal has top-notch state-of-the-art encryption which has been adopted by its competitors it’s so good.
Telegram isn’t end-to-end encrypted by default. It has no group chat encryption whatsoever. It uses a bizarre, badly designed “MTProto” protocol about which dozens of cryptography papers have documented myriad unfixed flaws.
Then a group led by a man who was considered loose cannon even within his own "organization", goes on to carry out an explosion completely out of their own will! And they get arrested by police! This shit doesn't make any sense at all!
In the finale there is meeting of a student union where they claim that white people are evil, at the same time, there is a Klan meeting where they claim that all non-white people are evil — a very dramatic moment…
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.