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All these years the Fediverse community has been extremely ableist toward the people with hearing loss. And other types of disabled people, such as Plan9 users who do not have a functioning audio output.

It's time to finally change it and we are instating a new set of rules for alt-text for audio files:
— for light music up to 4 minutes long: describe it in at least 2 paragraphs. If the song has lyrics, attach those. If the song has two vocalists or one vocalist, but posing as different characters using different manners of singing, please caption those in the lyrics. For hip-hop songs pay special attention if the rhythm is strong enough and if the bass is funky, if vocalist/MC has a lisp — please note that.
— for longer music pieces still in the sonata form — 3-4 paragraphs. For electronic music pay closer attention to the synth programming — are those any good or do they sound like a schoolkid with fruity loops did them, if even you could do better — note that. For rock music pay attention to guitars, do they sound clear or distorted, what kind of pedals and amps might have been used — how much all these equipment might cost in your opinion. Can the guitarist hit the right notes at all? Does the song have enough reverb or could it do better if there was more? If the song has cowbell, is there enough of it? If the longer song has lyrics and those are lame, present your thoughts on why the fuck did they make it this long and they can't even write good lyrics.
— for symphonic pieces — no need to overdo it, keep it in the 5-7 paragraph ballpark. Is the buildup all right or is it just generic Chopin shit? Is the finale/coda any good or is it anticlimactic? For opera pieces present a short-form libretto ­ if you can't do this stuff yourself, look it up online — don't be a lazy ass! If you are a big fan of Pierre Boulez and his music and this shit still doesn't make any sense — note that. For longer electronic music and stoner-rock/psychedelic pieces, describe the images this music evokes in your mind: when you're sober and when you are on mushrooms — please try to keep it under 3 paragraphs.

New rules are in effect immediately starting now!

Signed, The Fediverse Council.

#fedi #a11y (whoever she is)
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Kevin Lik, an 18-year-old German-Russuan dual citizen and the youngest person ever to be convicted of treason in Russia, is headed for prison. Yesterday, his four-year sentence entered force. (His sentence was heavily reduced in light of his age, cooperation, and strong academics.)

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it's #caturday so make sure you stay in bed and put on your favourite shows 📺

#cats #catsofmastodon

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🇷🇺🇲🇹 While ordinary Russians struggle to obtain visas or residency permits in #Europe, affluent top managers from pivotal Russian state-owned enterprises continue to effortlessly secure Maltese passports, thus attaining European Union citizenship.

#russia #malta

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Oh, BTW, when did they remove the option to have a separate field for search?
On the left is FF 118, on the right — 124.
Not that I use it — I have searches from address/location bar disabled, when I really want that I have to prepend a prefix for the search engine I wish to use explicitly — so there's no default one, but still…

The fuckers! :marseyraging:
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🇦🇹 #Austria faces its biggest espionage scandal in decades as the arrest of a former intelligence officer brings to light evidence of extensive Russian infiltration, lax official oversight and behavior worthy of a spy novel.

#russia #spying

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“AI” as currently hyped is giant billion dollar companies blatantly stealing content, disregarding licenses, deceiving about capabilities, and burning the planet in the process.

It is the largest theft of intellectual property in the history of humankind, and these companies are knowingly and willing ignoring the licenses, terms of service, and laws that us lowly individuals are beholden to.

#AI #GenAI #LLM #LLMs #OpenAI #ChatGPT #GPT #GPT4 #Sora #Gemini

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how to have even more amazing opsec:

decide to change your name
don’t know what to change it to
now nobody knows your real name, even you!

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The big project I'm excited about right now is PlugData.

It's a graphical programming language based on & compatible with Pure Data. But it's not only far more legible, it also runs as a VST plugin in your DAW.

As much as I love what it does now, I'm most interested in developing it for my general purpose programming and experimentation. I want to program drones and synths and costumes with it.

We need more coders! Come help!

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