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m0xEE boosted

Hi, all 👋 I've got a ❓ for you.

Does anyone have a remote part-time job for a EN-RU bilingual?

I worked with the UK's Crisp (now a Kroll business, US) as a bilingual SM moderator / reputation analyst. I also translated material for OpenText (Canada).

I want to make news coverage a full-time job but at the moment it gives me no income, yet consumes a lot of time and energy. So I'm looking for a part-time job coz I don't want to give up on my news project.

My LinkedIn:

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Richie Hawtin's (aka Plastikman) listening party at BandCamp:

This one's dedicated to 30th anniversary of Dimension Intrusion he released under his FUSE moniker, I've never been a fan of what he did as FUSE in particular, still, it's a nice opportunity to get acquainted with this output more closely. Maybe someone else here is interested too.
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Why the fsck of all the websites Phoronix is using WebP? 😫

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@nilesh as an ex-Google privacy person it makes us very happy that people who aren't under NDAs talk about this (you're the second we've seen to mention it, the first was several years ago. might have also been you actually, can't remember)

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Zum heutigen #caturday, Mariechen vor über 16 Jahren. Sie hatte als ausgesetztes Kitten einen denkbar schlechten Start. Ihr lautes Geschrei hat ihr das Leben gerettet, noch heute nutzt sie es um sich durchzusetzen oder zu petzen. Bei ihr muss alles seine Ordnung haben 😽

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I don't know why we call good human thieves 'Cat Burglars' when actual cats are so used useless at stealing stuff. Bin raided for completely empty wet cat food pouches. She's got them out and didn't know where to go from there.

Note the 'if I'm not looking at you I didn't do it' trick she's playing here. I'm sure that flies in an interrogation room too. Useless I tell you.

#cats #catsofmastodon

I knew that it's Logitech that makes mice for HP, but I've always thought that the design is at least original, well, at the very least that tactile pattern, but…
I mean, it's still different: the form, the magnetic top lid — some other Logitech mice have it BTW, but not this model, HP's is bluetooth-only, unlike the "original", still… I'm rather disappointed, HP could've been more peculiar.

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Finally #Gecko ESR 91 is rendering websites on #SailfishOS. I was getting worried it might never get there. All the gory details to follow. 🦎 🐟

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New Forest Swords album dropped:
I've even signed up for the "listening party" — it's the BandCamp thing, when you listen to some new album and can interact with other fans and the artist while it plays
But slept through the most of it — no, the album isn't bad, I just fell asleep a couple of hours before if was supposed to start and forgot to set the alarm.
Matthew himself was reluctant whether to hold it with all the shit going on with BandCamp.
The album itself is quite good, especially the beginning, with bit of harsher than usual "industrial-like" sounds, but surprisingly it grew old on me really fast — which is surprising for FS album, I have most of his albums on CDs and usually spin them for days. Well, maybe it's just me, who listened to it too much for the past few days.
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it's been almost completely forgotten that the 8086 was intended to be a Pascal machine. C was barely on the horizon when the 8086 was conceived.

which explains at least one apparently bizarre choice: segmented pointers are a whole lot less painful when "pointer" is its own type, and not compelled to behave like an integer

also explains why "ret N" increments the stack pointer after popping the return address; it's intended to pop the caller's parameters off the stack again, which is what Pascal-derived languages want (and the complete antithesis of C)

...of course, given that, it's ironic that the first high level language implemented on the 8086 was Forth, which is possibly the only language to be an even worse fit for segmented addressing than C. oh well

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She is always stealing my spot. Mostly because it’s warm but sometimes I suspect it’s for the Internet.


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