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Pilet is a Raspberry Pi 5-powered modular, portable computer with 5-inch or 7-inch display, optional built-in keyboard (Crowdfunding)

Pilet is a modular, open-source hardware, portable computer designed for the Raspberry Pi 5 SBC, and equipped with a choice of displays, keyboards, and an optional battery module that can last for up to 7 hours. Two models are ava…

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There is an old Samsung NC-10 netbook lying around in my “hardware archive”. The Intel Atom CPU in there is 32bit only, which somehow limits which operating system to choose. I decided to give Haiku a try, and it runs quite fast and smoothly on the device. Several years back, I installed a SSD into the NC-10, which might be at least part of the reason. #haiku #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #nc10

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omg it's a new Oshie Mew Blog Post?!

And it's about why Oshie refuses to use Neocities and why you shouldn't either!!!!!!

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I love how I have to have two Element apps on my phone because I cannot accept invites with one of them

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A question for my CS colleagues. I'm looking for examples for interpreters or JIT compilers in places one would not necessary expect in an operating system at runtime (in the widest possible context). Obvious examples are IMHO shells or (e)BPF/dtrace scripts. Some more exotic uses I can think of are interpreters for vector fonts (e.g. PS Type1 or TT hints) or the use of Prolog in the network configuration of NT4.

Do you know other examples?

#OS #compiler #interpreter

m0xEE boosted

I forgot how much I hated git, but then I decided to port my GHC branch from 9.6 to 9.12. It's impressive how the industry manages to settle with the most mediocre solution to every possible problem literally every single time.

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@VeroniqueB99 Aw, c'mon. Cops are almost people, too. Once this li'l guy graduates from the academy, it'll make more money than practically everyone it beats up, even before overtime.

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It's been two and a half years that has been a thing.

If you see this, please reshare it and star it. I'm curious about the reach we have.

Consider this a research project!

#mastoadmin #mstdnca

m0xEE boosted

🎹 ROUND III - Phase 1 - match 29/30

Which one is the best progressive rock album?

🔊 Gentle Giant, ‘Octopus’ (1972)
🔊 Van Der Graaf Generator, ‘Still Life’ (1976)

➡️See pinned post on profile for the tournament rules

:mastodon: Please 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗦𝗧


#KingusMusicTournaments #MusicTournament #ProgressiveRock #ProgRock #KMTPoll #Music #GentleGiant #VanDerGraafGenerator

m0xEE boosted
Happy New Year! | С Новым Годом!

Happy New Year! I wish everyone happiness and good luck in the new year. Thank you for not forgetting me and looking at my pictures.

С наступающим Новым Годом! Желаю всем счастья и удачи в новом году. Спасибо, что не забывали меня и смотрели мои картинки.

#tabbycat #fedicats #fluffycat #catsofpixelfed #pixelfedcats #ねこ #cat #кот #猫 #catinthesun #catinthegrass #summercat
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Today is a very special day for @katerbilbo and me.
Ten years ago we got him from a cat rescue organisation, the "
Katzenhilfe Stuttgart e.V.".

He got hit by a car when he was about six months old with a lot of damage to his hip, but he recovered from that and with about nine months of age he got a new home at our place.

The video is from November 2014 still at the vet and the two pictures are from the day he arrived here. First he was careful and watched us from his transport box but even before sunset he started to relax and clean itself on the couch. The next evening he started to sleep next to me and to sleep in our bed with us.

Even though he has the usual heart issue that a lot of orange cats are suffering from he is still a cuddly old boy now. I know that unfortunately the longest time I will be able to spent with him is gone probably, I still looking forward to every day he comes on my lap to snuggle, sleep and purr.

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