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m0xEE boosted

A very very ugly chain of pipes, awk, sed, and xargs just saved me from hours of tedious and unexpected clicking in a stupid web-interface.

Learn some basic #shell scripting when you're young, it will help keeping you sane.

m0xEE boosted

If you have some old CDs sitting around consider ripping them before disc rot makes them unusable. Fortunately you can always rip partially degraded disks using whipper. I've used it to make perfect rips of very old discs, stuff dating back 30 years which I had used and abused as a teenager. It takes some time to do its thing but it's worth the effort:

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

New addition to the studio (in the form of a plastic mannequin hand retrieved from a bin). #Studio #Space #Synth #Casio #Music

m0xEE boosted

Pinephone, Plan9 

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Does anyone in Berlin need a washing machine? :boost_requested:

It's a Siemens E 14-4M, and it's free if you can move it (4th floor, no elevator).

It needs to be gone by tomorrow afternoon

m0xEE boosted

Finally got around to Pixel mapping my friend's Pixelblaze-controlled Christmas tree using @themariday 's video pixel mapping tool (, and it was fantastic! I could never have mapped the 600 LEDs on this tree without it.

m0xEE boosted

Happy to provide you all slowly your #BSD based free Boxes (VPS instances) after a pause of one week again :)

The small amount of boxes has been provisioned, offering #FreeBSD, #OpenBSD, #NetBSD, #DragonFlyBSD, #MidnightBSD and many more - including #illumos for our #Solaris friends!

Provisioning is #Matrix only and is done by our new Bot. @gyptazy took the time to write and adjust all the things in a great way - #RUNBSD

#hosting #ipv6 #opensource #community #homelab #lab #dev #testing

m0xEE boosted

- I want console busybox!
- We have console busybox at home...

Also, 13th of December 124 ("Y2K was never a problem!!!").

Also, it is ironic that I cannot start Andrew Batmail graphical mail client because it requires emacs to be installed. :D

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m0xEE boosted

And yet "Transfer Portal" sounds so mundane to the casters I know.

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m0xEE boosted

Firefox ditches Do Not Track because nobody was listening anyway

Few websites actually respect the option, says Mozilla When Firefox 135 is released in February, it'll ship with one less feature: Mozilla plans to remove the Do Not Track toggle from its Privacy and Security settings. …
#theregister #IT

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m0xEE boosted

CAUTION: the new kernel management/backup system has landed in

this will result in your most recent kernel before the updated one disappearing due to package hooks going away

also be extra careful everything is intact after upgrade especially if you use out of tree modules (e.g. zfs) and report issues if you run into any

i tried my best to iron out any edge cases, so hopefully i got it all right, but still

m0xEE boosted

Super-Lightweight Operating System boots off a 1.44MB Floppy Disk. 💾

[KolibriOS lets you do simple tasks and even play games on your legacy PC.]

While most operating systems are written in C and C++, KolibriOS is written in pure x86 assembly and as a result small and lightweight enough to run off a standard 1.44 MB floppy disk.

#kolibrios #floppydisk #x86 #assembler #code #programming #retrocomputing #retro #gaming #it #engineer #media #tech #news

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m0xEE boosted
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