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The case arrived for live gigs. May add the Microfreak to this. For those playing the home game: Elektron Rytm 1, Digitakt 1, ShO1a, Lemondrop, Geode & Micromonsta. Not pictured: mixer, h9 stomp box, hologram microcosm. Gig is on the 27th& I’m writing all new stuff. The real pressure! But at least my setup & breakdown won’t be longer than the gig! #livemusic #electronicmusic #techno #crtmusik #cathoderaytube

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Happy caturday from my mom's cat Lev, who's very unimpressed with me bothering him while he's on his favorite perch.

#caturday #cats

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This is art ​:satania1:

(Made by student, misa already asked permission to post here)

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describing modern computer interaction as "grunt and point" is hilarious, even more so coming from christina engelbart.

this 99pi is from 2015:

the podcast is different than the web page (it's not a transcript), i'd recommend listening (for the hot takes like above. there are more.)

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@m0xee Ban Them: A Method For Hyperscaling Social Media

- M. Zuckerberg

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Me and pals on Fedi discussing how generics made Go bloated and were a big mistake… 😎


People on Bull Skype discussing how Go is better than… TypeScript (?!), but they ABSOLUTELY need exceptions to handle errors and it would also be great if Go had a richer type system — but hey, at least (!) it has generics and, what's even more important, it makes reviewing… LLM-generated code easier… WTF?!!! 😮

Why, God, why?! And we sometimes HAVE TO use software made by those people! 😱

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