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m0xEE boosted

Your password must be at least 10 characters long, but not more than 13 and must inclue lowercase letters, uppercase letters — except for the first letter in your grandfather's name, that can't be capital, you can't use that; italics, at least three different numbers excluding binary numbers and numbers contained in your phone number, an asterisk, an underscore and that cool Unicode character that looks like Latin "C", but with a tiny tail underneath.

We take your security very seriously!

m0xEE boosted
Hi. New account here.

* I don't know what makes a good introduction post.
* I write programs as a hobby. I use C, C++, Lua, Python, or Ada.
* I like to play (older) video games but not out of nostalgia, just that newer games are less likely to work well on Linux.
* I am an infrequent doodler as in having above average illustration skills but not an artist.

Here's my pen tablet driver:

If you visited that page, you'd come across this scribble. As that page indicates, I make very simple web pages and put them on #neocities. I also own a set of lockpicks.

#introduction / #introductions, #programming
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Blizzard is going to delist original versions of WarCraft 1 & 2 off digital distribution services in favor of the recent remasters. If you wanted to grab the originals, they are available on GOG as a bundle, and you can use promo code "MakeWarcraftLiveForever" to get a couple bucks off.

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i'm learning a little bit of music creation currently using ardour i installed it and hated the boring splashscreen so i made one inspired on some custom adobe splashscreens i used in the past

Oxford's Word of the Year: "Brain Rot"
The first recorded use of brain rot dates much before the creation of the internet — it was written down in 1854 by Henry David Thoreau in his book Walden.

Gentlemen, don't we exhibit a tendency to devalue complex ideas by consooming le slop? 🧐

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Очередной домик для кошек | Another cat house I made another winter cat house. The previous one worked very well. This time I already had experience and it cost me less than a hundred dollars. Top insulation 50 mm (2 inches) on all sides, pine beams 50 mm (3 inches) and a ventilation sleeve as an entrance (it fits well in size). Also, I provided a mount for a curtain. Currently, four guests live in my two cat houses. ========== Сделал еще один зимний домик для кошек. Предыдущий очень хорошо себя показал. В этот раз у меня уже был опыт и он стоил мне меньше, чем сто долларов. Топовый утеплитель 50 мм (2 дюйма) со всех сторон, сосновые бруски 50 мм (3 дюйма) и вентиляционная муфта в качестве входа (она хорошо подходит по размеру). Также, предусмотрел крепление для шторки. Сейчас в двух моих кошачьих домиках живут четыре постояльца. #cathouse #woodworking #diy
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Happy Caturday!
Misty is still resting after a hard week of watching us cook, but found ample opportunities to grace us with her presence 🐈

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cat

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OK so I made and flashed my own #FreeBSD custom boot logo onto my #ThinkPad and I think it looks OK. The photo doesn't do it justice. :freebsd:
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The #Fediverse is not just posts from people who can confidently install Linux. It's full of posts on art, politics, cats, photography, activism, history, gaming, humor, cartoons, creativity and community from people who can confidently install Linux.

m0xEE boosted

pfft kids today with their instant app store installs and mobile gaming. back in my day...

:insta: @ pc_user_486

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