Your password must be at least 10 characters long, but not more than 13 and must inclue lowercase letters, uppercase letters — except for the first letter in your grandfather's name, that can't be capital, you can't use that; italics, at least three different numbers excluding binary numbers and numbers contained in your phone number, an asterisk, an underscore and that cool Unicode character that looks like Latin "C", but with a tiny tail underneath.
We take your security very seriously!
Blizzard is going to delist original versions of WarCraft 1 & 2 off digital distribution services in favor of the recent remasters. If you wanted to grab the originals, they are available on GOG as a bundle, and you can use promo code "MakeWarcraftLiveForever" to get a couple bucks off.
Sir Drake was hit by a car. He is better now thanks to an angel who took him to a veterinarian.
And after that to #safehavenegypt as an #adoptioncat .
Oxford's Word of the Year: "Brain Rot"
The first recorded use of brain rot dates much before the creation of the internet — it was written down in 1854 by Henry David Thoreau in his book Walden.
Gentlemen, don't we exhibit a tendency to devalue complex ideas by consooming le slop? 🧐
Happy Caturday!
Misty is still resting after a hard week of watching us cook, but found ample opportunities to grace us with her presence 🐈
Winter! ❄️ “Trade card for The Bufford’s Sons Lith. Co., Boston, Mass., 1887”
The #Fediverse is not just posts from people who can confidently install Linux. It's full of posts on art, politics, cats, photography, activism, history, gaming, humor, cartoons, creativity and community from people who can confidently install Linux.
Yes! It’s arrived. Can’t wait to get stuck into this.
#synth #circuitpython #electronics
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.