Someone PLEASE adopt Sidney the #cat! He's a great foster but he can't stay! #caturday Oh right you can inquire here:
Je pense que c'est pas ça le problème.
#ArwenLaPotitePotate #LapinoursChats #mastocats #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #chat
Damn, I didn't know that Philip Zimbardo is the one behind Stanford prison experiment. For me he was the author of Man (Dis)connected) that I have on one of the bookshelves — that's why I even remember the name: it gets picked up by peripheral vision from time to time. I didn't expect that book to have been written by someone with a (relatively) big name 😱
Happy #Caturday! Here’s Kirby (black void kitty) and Kodo (gray kitty), together the Shadow Ninjas, curled up together in my lap a while back.
#nixiegram1 #ocicat Nixie is sleeping soundly. No worries that it's light outside! Eyes are covered. #catsofmastodon #caturday
OMG is that a rare, mythical, two-headed cat?!? Nah... that's just "dad to every cat that enters this house" Oz on the right, with this stepdaughter Ingrid on the left. 😻
#Cats #CatsOfMastodon
If you happen not to be an infosec person, and would just like some advice on how to not get phished, here's one simple non-technical rule that will help:
👉 If you got a message that demands immediate action of you and is making you feel stressed – take a short break.
Deep breaths, make some tea, take a short walk.
Whatever it is, it almost certainly can wait a few minutes. And a few minutes might just be what it takes for you to figure out it's a scam, or ask someone's opinion.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.