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Stop using "the web" for everything. There's still an internet out there, you know. Trying to do everything with HTTP is causing more problems than it's solving. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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And here the (first cut at a) Fediverse “gradient” logo from my #lasttoot which I reproduced from memory (and because the OP from ±a year ago used a proprietary vector editor) today by hand-editing XML+SVG. Attached as transparent bitmap, the scalable file can be downloaded as well.

Suggestions for improvements welcome… and I need to search for the toot from the person who did it (or something like it which I vaguely recalled) first, for proper credits.

(Also, Eukombos says they are “co-creator” of the (nōn-gradient) #Fediverse logo, but who are the other creators then? They did licence theirs as CC0, so I felt fine basing this on that, but…)

© 2018 Eukombos, 2024 mirabilos; Ⓕ CC0 (except that § 2 does not apply (except in the case of § 3 Satz 2 UrhG or similar) because licensor cannot legally waive copyright; Affirmer holds no trademark or patent rights on the Work) or MirBSD. Licensor does not disclaim the mandatory warranties from cases of wilful misconduct or damages directly caused to natural persons, in accordance with EU law.

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But for now, as a thank you, please accept this picture of Miss Pamela Cake aka Pancake. (She’s hopefully getting adopted this weekend.)

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We had a visitor at work today. Don’t know the name…

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Is my english-speaking TL already aware that in France, one of the largest brand of sugar products is called Daddy?
Well now you know. We have Daddy sugar.

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🇺🇦 🇷🇺 #Ukraine has said the Crimean Bridge "must come down" as it accused #Russia of flouting maritime laws at an international court in the Hague on Sept. 23.

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