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I have sussexfully updated rust (and cargo) to 1.79 on my PowerPC MUSL machine running Void.
xbps-src makes cross-building software so easy, in absolute most cases you only have to specify the target architecture and here we go — although it fails to produce a working dynamically-linked Python for PowerPC, but it looks like a bug in libffi. In any case you only have to worry about platform-specific workarounds, most of other stuff is done for you — and it just works!

m0xEE boosted

@nina_kali_nina @kirtai Wow, MicroWeb makes DOS look like quite the limited OS! Yet they got something working, despite needing to implement the whole networking stack themselves!

@ajroach42 you might be interested?

Why the fuck does require JS and refuses to show any content at all without it?
Requiring a full browser with JS support just to view info on modules is even worse than Go giving you URLs in help messages — it was bad enough, but this… is simply unacceptable! 😩

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@Cocoa @p Alright, tested the process out on a VM with rebased that has like one user and three posts. I'm gonna assume you followed instructions on during initial installation (which for whatever reason make you use some third-party package manager for Erlang/Elixir, which I think should work with base Pleroma). If not, you should already know whether something should be adjusted.
1. Stop pleromer (`systemctl stop pleroma` or whatever other init system you use)
2. Log in as pleroma user (`sudo -Hu pleroma bash`) and enter /opt/pleroma
3. Rollback vegan-specific migrations by executing following commands in that order:
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20221207235104
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20221029171353
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20220927220033
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20220819171321
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20220624104914
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20220225164000
MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database rollback 20210612185407
4. Exit pleroma user (`exit`) and drop the column that can't be rolled back with mix: `sudo -Hu postgres psql pleroma -c "alter table users drop column location;"`
5. Go back to /opt, rename /opt/pleroma into something else (e.g. `mv /opt/pleroma /opt/glussy`), then clone upstream repo (`git clone`)
6. Copy config/prod.secret.exs from old directory to new.
7. Log back in as pleroma user, go to /opt/pleroma and run the following to compile the new version and migrate the DB
mix local.hex --force
mix local.rebar --force
mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate
8. After all that's done, log out and restart pleromer (`systemctl start pleroma`). If there are no invalid config entries, it should work out of box. If not, stop pleromer and try running it manually (`sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server`) then tell me what the error is. Worst case scenario, you'd have to remove DB configs (`TRUNCATE TABLE config`) and reconfigure it manually.
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LOL, on orders from Russia’s GenPro, Vkontakte blocks popular account of “Z-poet Gennady Rakitin” that was actually Nazi poems translated by antiwar activists trying to show invasion supporters that their "patriotism" is simpatico with 1930s–40s Germany.

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A FUSE filesystem and dungeon crawling adventure game engine? What's this madness?

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Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia’s official govt newspaper, publishes an essay by lawyer Ilya Rusyaev where he says the verdict against the Nevzorovs should be a model for outlawing more “extremist families” and various “small social groups.” Truly demented.

m0xEE boosted

It's always tempting to allocate objects on the stack, but there's a good reason why you shouldn't allocate large ones if you care about your application's memory footprint: the stack space you use is used forever, even if you don't need it anymore.

Now you might be wondering, wait a sec, I thought that stack variables are freed when they go out of scope, right? Well, yes and no. Let's talk about this. 🧵 1/8

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#BBC live report on #Hungary featured this very optimistic map. If you can’t spot the hidden feature, check the alt text over the picture :)

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@kaia YYHWHJDE punished his people for worshiping the idol of the Smiling Donkey Micro-Fleece-Decke, ultraweich
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The OpenAI ChatGPT app on macOS is not sandboxed and stores all the conversations in **plain-text** in a non-protected location:

~/Library/Application\ Support/{uuid}/

So basically any other running app / process / malware can read all your ChatGPT conversations without any permission prompt:

And I don't want to investigate why this shit doesn't work so I'm just downgrading.

Can I have my old computing back please — without all this complexity? When vulnerabilities with such a severity happened once in a few years instead of every other month 😩

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Fuck it! I'm just downgrading to OpenSSH_8.4p1, which is supposedly unaffected. Because this newly patched OpenSSH_9.8p1 simply doesn't work on the only one of my systems that should be affected (32-bit, glibc).
It just crashes before any key exchange even starts — what's odd, it works when its binary isn't in /usr/local/sbin — it doesn't depend on whether the binary is stripped or anything else — it's just about the path, 9.1p1 and 8.4p1 built on the same system work, this one doesn't 🤬

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