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Browsing Fedi when you're hungover is insane!
(Never do it, nothing makes sense)

m0xEE boosted

A lot of people have followed me in the past month, so in 2 posts, here's a summary of what I think and why I'm here.

American society is increasingly dominated by the authoritarian left & authoritarian right. People communicate with insults instead of reasons. Many reject the value of open, vigorous debate.

I say that people should live together by reason and good will, not force & fear. I reject supernatural claims, group identity, and authority to command others as a basis for society. 1/2

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m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

I knew it, I knew it!!! Yes - and I sleep too much, snack continuously during the day, I'm picky about who I associate with and I don't much like dogs. It's conclusive!

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Sucks that hot swap batteries and storage expansion are gone from the vast majority of smartphones now

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Were Googly-eyed fuckers desperate enough so they'd pay bloggers to promote WebPee? 🤔
Kinda hard to believe that this was written out of genuine concern and in good faith 🧐

m0xEE boosted

I know that you hate Rust, but have you seen this:
With little resources they have, it's surprising that it has a semblance of something working.
Hardware support is severely lacking (namely USB is supported only for input devices, which might not be a bad thing 😏), but at least it seems to have true microkernel design.

These two are late for ! Again!
Because they've been lazing around too much 😸😸

One of the big-ass fans in my Mac Pro's case is making "funny" noises, I did vacuum it on the inside without putting too much effort into it, but it persists.
I can barely hear it during daytime or when the music is playing, but the noise is high-pitched and as it's in half-empty room, with all the reverberation it's very annoying. I hoped that it would just pass, but it didn't after three days — if anything, it only got worse. I don't want to disassemble the fucking thing 😩

Looks like Internet filtering was relaxed a bit for the weekend, I can even use OpenVPN over UDP without all the weird quirks.
There are also rumours that Instagram is accessible directly, but I'm too lazy to check — I'm not using direct connections for HTTP(S).
Is Internet censorship branch of KGB on vacation or did they decide to do this as a gift to us? 🤔

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I bought this tea tray. I'm pretty sure that was the filename.

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I my case, I have to add together about five day's worth to get 8 hours.

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m0xEE boosted
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